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"Come on, Stella. Don't be so paranoid. It can't be that bad!" You say, a little unsure of yourself. You look behind you, seeing Jack and Stella exchange a worried look. "Guys, seriously. If we don't take a chance, we might die out here. Who knows how far away from town we are!"

You pause, letting them take in the realization. Stella gives in, then after a slight moment, Jack does, as well.

"Let's go, I'd rather die in a creepy house than die out in the wilderness." Jack says.

Stella and you let out a small laughs, yet you can tell that she isn't really ecstatic about the idea. 

The three of you slowly make your way towards the house, stepping over all of the disgusting things on the lawn. You want to turn back, but figure that it's too late. Your friends would never look at you as the strong on ever again, they'll just see you as the one who chickened out at the last minute.

Looking at the porch, you feel as if it were to collapse when a pin dropped down on it. But you remembered: this is it, this was my choice. There's no turning back now.

You reach for your friends' hands, and they each gladly take one.

What do you do?

a) Trust your instincts, the porch seems too weak to step on. Go around the house through the back door - Go to 4


b) Not care what your friends think of you, walk away - Go to 3


c) Step on the front porch. What could possibly go wrong? - Go to 5

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