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Before the three of you can each put a foot up to step on the porch, you stop.

"Guys, wait," You say. Jack and Stella look at you in frustration.

"What is it now?" Stella asks, unlatching her hand from yours. She folds her arms over her chest and looks at you impatiently.

Jack lets go of your hand, as well.

"I'm not sure this porch is good to step on. It seems too creaky. And the paint doesn't look so fresh - "

Jack cuts you off, "Of course it doesn't! This house is old and creepy as heck! No one lives here, and even if they did, they would've come out to greet us by now! We should just keep walking."

Stella's arms unfold and fall to their sides. "I agree with Jack. Let's just go."

"No," You demand. "Even if no one lives here, we can have a place to stay the night. Come on, you guys. Let's go around to the back door."

You barge in between them, and dart towards the back of the house.

"Wait - " Jack starts. He starts walking towards you, Stella quickly follows behind him.

"Don't bother, guys. You don't get it - "

"Oh, my god!" Stella screams.

You spin around, startled. Your heart thumps through your chest.

"(Y/N), WATCH OUT - " Jack yelled, your two friends running towards you.

You're about to look around for what they are possibly talking about, but a large, black figure appears in front of you - slicing your chest with a pocket knife.

You hear the distant cries of your friends as you tumble to the ground, your vision getting blurred. The blood from your chest is pouring out in front of you, and eventually black out.

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