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You three slowly out-stretch your legs, your heart thumping in your chest. You feel Jack's palm sweating, Stella's hand shaking. The two seconds - which feel like hours, mind you - that take for you guys to step on the porch are the scariest seconds of your lives.

After a moment, your eyes are still shut, but as you realize that the porch is fine, you all slowly sigh in relief and open your eyes.

"Well, now I feel like an idiot," Stella remarks. She folds her arms over her chest.

"Same," You say laughing.

Jack remains silent, looking around, still paranoid.

You make your way towards the door, your sweating palm embraces the round door-knob. When you try to twist it, it doesn't budge. You keep twisting it fiercely, but just like in the beginning, the door won't open.

"Crap," You mutter.

"What? What is it?" Jack asks, walking towards you.

"I think that this door is locked..."

"Let me try..." Jack walks up to the door subtly, but then slams his body against the door, knocking it down. You and Stella jump back, startled.

Jack gets up, brushes himself off, and takes a flashlight out of his backpack.

"Jack, really?" Stella says in disbelief, walking up to the door, then standing right next to you.

"What? Did you have any better ideas?" Jack says. "Do you guys have flashlights on you?"

You look at the scene behind him, chills creep up your spine. "Uh...yeah, I do," Your gaze stays against the inside of the house as you reach for the two flashlights that you buried deep in your bag hours before. Stella grabs one out of your hand and turns it on.

Jack ushers for you two to walk inside, Stella nudges you to go first. Hesitation nearly gets the best of you. You walk inside, and find yourself in a dusty hallway. In front of you, you have three different options.

Where do you go?

a) Upstairs - Go to 7


b) Down the hall to the Living Room - Go to 9


c) Down to the Cellar - Go to 8

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