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"I think we should go to the cellar, who knows what we might find down there!" You say. Jack and Stella open their mouths to protest against your decision, but then decide that it's pointless to even try; all of the decisions you've made so far have beat theirs, since look where you are now!

As you walk towards the door to the cellar, Stella and Jack follow behind you slowly. They both look around, flashing their flashlights all about.

You pull the door, and it bursts open, a large cloud of smoke exploding from it. You cough and wave your hand in front of your face, trying to clear the air. Your friends flash their flashlights into the space below you.

"Is there anything down there?" You ask, wiping your teary eyes.

"It's too deep to see," Stella says, going down onto her knees, trying to get a closer look.

You stand up, and without hesitation, start walking down the cellar. Jack hops down after you, Stella right behind him. You're sort of terrified, but you don't want your friends to feel the same way, so you stay strong.

But your heart nearly drops down out of your butthole when the door of the cellar smashes closed, now You, Jack and Stella are standing in almost complete darkness.

Seconds later, you hear Stella yelp, and a loud thump following after that. Jack screams, and you feel the two of them knock you over.

The three of you tumble down the stairs in pitch black, you hit your head on each stair. All you can hear is the thumps of you three.

After what felt like an eternity, you finally land on the hard, concrete floor.

You don't feel anyone moving around you, yet you see your flashlight not far away from you.

Come on, you can do this. Slowly and carefully.

You reach out for your flashlight.

All of a sudden, a hard boot stomps on your out-stretched arm, you retort it back to your body and scream in pain.

Your flashlight is enough light to make it out - a brick - coming towards your face.

"No, NO!" You scream.

The brick falls against your head.

Go to 13

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