The Great Unknown

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The Great Unknown
Lies before thee

I follow the tattered, lonely road

The darkness blinds me

Would it be better to know what lies ahead?
Or keep the tragedies, losses and heartache buried instead?

To know if I succeeded or not
Through the pain and frustration
Had I fought?

To stay alive

Would I survive?

The uncertainty of the Great Unknown
clouds my mind
It's hard when it's time to leave all you've ever known behind

Swallow back the tears and wait for the morning light
Block out the fears
That whisper each night

In my dreams they tell me not to believe in who I can be
They make me question the real me, my capability
The one that people see

My heart is set alight
And ready to take flight
While my mind questions every good thing in sight

The Great Unknown beckons my uncertain soul
To a place where the heart must decide within
That the next journey in life must begin

-Anna Abigail

Author's Note
Have you ever had to make a very tough but equally important decision that got you all hung up and writing poetry like me? (Haha) but really, minus the writing poetry part, I know we've all had to make some tough decisions in life-upon writing this, I had to decide whether to go to university or leave the country with my parents (you may be wondering why on earth would I even be tagging along with my parents if I was at the age of leaving for uni but it's kinda different here in the islands, you don't get to leave home until you're like married or something bleh)

Anyway, if you're at a place where you have to make an important decision, weigh your options, get some sound advice and trust that what you choose is the best for you!

(And I stayed for uni, in case you're wondering. And if you weren't, keep scrolling)

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