Death is such a strange element
It seeks to devour all
And will eventually succeed in doing soCenturies have come and gone
Kingdoms established
Empires destroyed
Cities built that grow and grow
Through the ravages of time
Death bravely claims his victims
As due his right
Sifting through them
Like grains of sandWhat is the worth of a king's riches,
A wise man's knowledge,
A beggar's sorrow;
Only to intersect at the same end-
Death?Yet the same could be said otherwise for life-
It is far greater
Far more intriguing, capturing
Who can understand it?While death may be our common fate
Life is worth the journey
Life is hope
Life is to have faith.-Anna Abigail
Author's Note
So this is my attempt at free verse (how did I do? And is it even free verse? idk). I wrote this after the passing of two people who I was very close to. They died within a span of a few months to each other which got me thinking on how our lives are truly "but a vapour" where we could be here today and gone tomorrow.
It reminded me how precious life is and that we should never take it for granted.As cliché as it sounds, live life to the fullest! Pursue your dreams, cherish family and friendship, love deep, do all the things you want to and make the most of every opportunity you get.

Her Poetic Journey
Poesíait's not about the finish line it's about the journey -poetry for stages in life