Cyclone Winston

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Hey everyone! (And those who have stuck with me this far, you always warm my heart ❤️)

Fiji was hit with a tropical cyclone which was the strongest to ever hit the southern hemisphere.
It devastated the nation and it was heartbreaking to see the destruction and families who had lost loved ones on the news.
My family and I are blessed to be living in the capital city which didn't receive the full brunt of the cyclone.

[If you would like to donate anything-from food to clothing, there are organisations that you can donate to. Message me for details]

Pray for Fiji (:
The fierce winds left destruction in its wake
The old wooden house from its foundations did shake
The never ending rain beat merciless to the ground
As the gusts lashed the leaves all around

The trees bent under the force in disgrace
Their once sturdy branches falling after the other in a race

The dark skies cried bitterly
Its tears pooling quickly
The dry land once in thirst
Now overwhelmed by this watery curse

Hearts full of fright
Against their homes-blasts of air
Howling with all their might
Like a ghost tap, tap, tapping
Through the night

At the break of dawn
Not a soul stirred
In the stillness, not a sound could be heard

Winston had gone
And left his mark
He only hung around when it was dark

In his place came the rumble of thunder
His purpose fulfilled-
All was asunder

We pick up the pieces
The storm has passed
Now we rebuild
And hope that it lasts.

-Anna Abigail
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