Chapter 3

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Yukio stood before the class with a stack of files beside him. "As if late, demonic activity has been at an all time high. So you all will be assigned cases." He explained handing the files out to different groups. Kelsey sunk back as she was assigned a group with Jane, but the upside she was also with Rin.

She read over the file and sighed. The case was in the mountain forest, just outside school grounds. There has been a number of abductions and the exorcists think it has to do with a demon. The case states that they have to find what kind of demon it is, and either capture it or kill it. Either way, it was going to be harder than some would think.

"Watch yourselves out there and good luck." With that each team left the room to head out.

"Awesome." Rin looked at his two partners leaving the class and started towards the bus stop. "A mission off grounds and with two girls. Sweet!" Kelsey looks at Rin with a curious look.

Jane shook her head at the two before getting on the bus. Once the bus started rolling Rin and Kelsey started to talk about the mission while Jane pulled out some headphones and listened to music while watching the two interact.

"It's weird, all of the reports just have the people disappearing; none of their bodies have actually been found." Rin pointed out as he looked over the case with Kelsey. She nods as she pulls out her old book she had found in her desk when she first came to the school. "I think it has a description of a demon like that in here.... I've read this book from front to back so much it's unbelievable." Kelsey tells him happily as she reads through the book, having changed up her glasses today to a pair of hot pink glasses with a cute little metal golden bow at the corner, that match her pink tips as she sits next to Rin, having gotten used to his presence she is now much more bubbly around him, as if she was almost a completely different person than when she had first walked into the class. Now, Kelsey always had a smile on her face.

"So what does it say about our mystery demon?" Rin asked looking over Kelsey's shoulder to read the page. "Well, I had also done research using this other book too....but it's older and more fragile than this one, so I chose not to bring it." She turns to look at Rin. "The book I chose not to bring happened to have more information about this demon then this one does." She tells him, motioning to the book in her lap. "The book I have told a story about how there is a specific type of demon that seems to do what this demon has been doing. But what I noticed was the pattern in the people. Most of the people who disappeared were men. With the occasional woman or child randomly thrown into the mix. The name of this demon would be Agares." Kelsey takes a deep breath as if she was about to make a lecture, her bright pink eyes brighter than usual as she gets excited about the knowledge she is sharing "This demon is EXTREMELY rare these days, and was said to be extinct. The fact that we are having a random case about it NOW is very shocking. There were quite a lot of them back in the beginning of time. They are actually a predominantly female demon who mainly preys on men. A more common used term for them is a succubus. Also known as a female demon who feeds on the lust, pleasure, and souls of men. But sometimes, if they cannot get a male quickly enough to be able to feed, they will go for easier prey and disguise themselves as something they think their prey might want to see." She adjusts her glasses again, "It should be a very simple case really." She tells him sweetly as she held her book close.

"Except you forgot the part about it being the ancestor to modern day succubus - it's going to be harder to fight cause if this." Jane chipped in pulling out her own book. "Any book that survived with the record of this species rarely tell how to deal with them. Does your's tell that by any chance?" She asked looking over at Kelsey.

Kelsey smiles a little, her pen in her hand as it glows pink. "It does." She looked at Jane with a smile on her face, but her eyes guarded.

"What does it say?" Jane asked shifting in her seat to look at Kelsey fully. Kelsey thought for a minute, concentrating as she tried to remember what she had read as she rubs her thumb against the furry ball on top of the pen absent mindedly "It said we would need an old type of magic. But I don't know if you guys have it." She told Jane, trying to avoid the answer to Jane's question.

"Well try us, maybe Rin's flames could work if fire is the demon's weakness." Jane suggested motioning to Rin who just sat there stunned. Jane smiled but turned when the bus started to slow to a stop in front of a forest. "Never mind. I guess we are going to find out soon enough." She said gathering her stuff in prep to get off.

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