Chapter 4

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Kelsey sighs as she shakes her head at Jane's conclusion, knowing that Jane is wrong as she got her own stuff together and waited for Rin so they could both walk off the bus together. Kelsey smiled sweetly at Rin as she waited for him. "Don't worry Rin, if you get remotely into danger, I'll make sure to protect you. It's the least I could do since you have been so sweet and helpful for me." She tells him kindly as her and Rin walk off the bus.

"You don't need to do that. I can take care of myself." Rin smiled back at her as he shouldered his sword to follow Jane into the woods.

The file told them to meet up at the temple not far from the road. The walk was long and the forest didn't help as Rin pointed out, "I've never heard a forest this quiet... It's unsettling..." Kelsey nodded and Jane stopped ahead of them sniffing the air before she smiled and continued.

Kelsey clutches her pink pen to her chest, her eyes looking tired as she continues walking in the back of the group, her fuzzy from the day before sitting on her shoulder, having escaped from the school in her book bag without her knowing and keeping itself curled up in a ball by her cheek as Kelsey felt the presence of many demons, looking for the presence of the one she is looking for specifically. An eerie silence fell over the group as they approached the temple that looked like it was about ready to fall apart. At the entrance a monk waited for them with a relieved smile on his face.

"Thank the maker, I was beginning to worry that the demon had gotten you all." The Monk said rushing forward almost tripping over his robes in his haste. Kelsey rushes up to him and catches him before he falls to the ground. "Be careful sir! You could have gotten really hurt!" She told him, her eyes filled with worry behind her glasses. "Are you ok sir?" She asked him as she helped him steady himself.
"I'm just fine ma'am. Just relieved that someone is finally here to help us. You see we are a small temple and this demon has been killing so many young men we didn't know what to do." He answered, the last line filled with grief.

Jane walked forward to the two. "How about we take this inside. It might help to explain what all has happened since this demon showed up." She said motioning to the setting sun.

"Right. Please follow me. The head priest would like to talk to you all..." The Monk stopped when his eyes fell on Rin. "Oh... I... I didn't know you brought him... perhaps..." Kelsey stops him before he can finish "Rin is a part of our team. He might be the only way we will be able to help you. Please do not take this personally but we cannot do this mission if one of our team members is missing." She tells him sweetly, a hint of coldness in her tone as she looks up at the monk. Jane quickly placed herself between the two before addressing Kelsey.

"Easy. Most people are sceptical around half-breeds. How about we go inside and work this out later." She offered trying to keep the argument from escalating. Kelsey sighs and walks over to Rin. "Ok, I understand. It's just... a little rude. But I'll be fine." Kelsey mumbled under her breath. Rin casted his eyes to the ground in shame as the Monk lead them into the temple. Once inside the Monk lead them into the main temple where and older man waited.

Looking around Rin noticed that the inside of the temple had countless wards on the doors and windows as a group of young men sat in front of the statue of Buddha. As Rin, Kelsey, and Jane approached the group turned to look at them while the older man gestured for the three to sit on the cushions in front of them. Taking the invitation Rin and Kelsey sat on their knees while Jane sat with her legs crossed.

"You must be the backup group from the Blue Cross. I welcome you. Though I wish it wasn't such a disastrous time. As you already know there is a succubus of sorts held up in the woods that has been terrorizing nearby villages." The Priest began to explain.

Kelsey sits and starts writing notes on everything he tells them on her book with a different pen. Still not using her pink pen, but treating it as if it's her life line. Jane looked over noticing the habit and just shrugged her shoulders at it for now.

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