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"Sir, are you sure we're ready for it? I mean, wouldn't it be unfair for those who has trained for a long time?" I asked, feeling really bad for those who had been working hard to reach their dreams.

"Yes, we need more vocals in the group and the other trainees that are not picked specializes in dance and rap so you guys are the only ones that is qualified to be in the group," he smiled.

"A..ah~ If you say so sir, we are very thankful," I formally thanked him.

"Owh, it's fine. Mrs. Lee is already waiting for you guys outside, she will being you to your dorm," he informed.

"감사합니다!" we both bowed before leaving the room.

"Baekhyun-ah, I can't believe both of us are debuting already!!!" Jongdae cheered.

"Me tooooo!" I jumped in excitement.

Mrs. Lee chuckled, "Calm down guys~ Save the excitement for later... I'm pretty sure you'll be even more excited to meet the members. They are very kind~ and LOUD!"

"Jinjja!?! Woah!!! I can't wait even moreeeee," Jongdae giggled.

"You sound like a girl," I teased.

"Said the one who looks like a girl," he backfired.

"YAH!" I smacked his arm.

The lift door then opened and we entered, "Boys, your dorm will be on the 4th floor," Mrs. Lee informed.

"Nae," we both replied.

After arriving on the forth floor, we walked through a few doors before arriving in front of a door with the sign, Rookie Boys. 

"Before going in. A reminder, Mr. Lee, my husband, will be your manager... he's a bit strict but I want you guys to know that he's what he is for your own good. He's really kind when he's not working but he tends to get very grumpy whenever he works I hope you guys can remember that when you meet him," Mrs. Lee smiled awkwardly.

"Ahh~ Yea, we'll understand!" I smiled before she nodded and opened the door.

"JONGIN-AH! SAvE ME FROM KYUNGSOO HYUNG!!!" a voice shouted from the end of the room as we saw someone running towards the entrance door.

Mrs. Lee frowned before putting both of her hands on the side of her hips, "BOYS!" she hollered.

Everyone stopped moving and looked towards the door, "Noona!!"

"What do you guys think you're doing!?!" Mrs. Lee angrily shouted.

"Kyungsoo hyung was about to punch me!" a guy pouted but it turned into a poker face after he saw the both of us.

"Kyungsoo?" Mrs. Lee asked.

"What do you think noona? This guy needs a lesson!" the 'Kyungsoo' guy glared at the poker face guy.

Mrs. Lee sighed, "Kyungsoo, call the others... I have an announcement to make."

He nodded and proceeded to call the other members.

It was just 3 people a minute ago, and suddenly, there was suddenly 10 people standing in front of both me and Chen already. Some were taller than us while others were around the same height as the both of us.

"Hi everyone, my name is Kim Jongdae. I'm 18 this year~" Jongdae introduced himself.

"You're jawline is so cool!" someone exclaimed.

Jongdae smiled awkwardly, "Thanks."

I was looking around when someone suddenly tapped me on the shoulder, I turned around and saw a tall guy staring at me.

"Guys! I think we have a new maknae here!!! Sehunnie won't be the youngest anymore~" he grinned.

The poker face guy suddenly scoffed and went to his bedroom.

"U...uh, hi~ My name is Byun Baekhyun! I am also 18 years old," I revealed.

The members' eyes widened, "You're serious right?"

I nodded, frowning a bit, "Is there something wrong?"

"Y..you're not 16?" the tall guy questioned.

"No, why?" I gave him a questioning look.

"You're so tiny and you look so... young," another guy muttered.

"I'm so jealous of him!!! How can he be older than me but look younger than all of us!?!" another whined.

"Uhh.... thank you?" I rubbed the back of my neck, giving them a small smile.

"I'm Chanyeol by the way~" the tall guy smiled at both me and Chen.

"I'll be leaving you guys. Have fun~" Mrs. Lee waved before leaving the both of us standing awkward around the other trainees.

After Mrs. Lee left, the members turned back towards us.

"I'm Kyungsoo, it's nice to meet you!" the guy who was chasing the poker face guy smiled.

Soon, all the members introduced themselves besides the one who left earlier.

"So, it's Suho, Yixing, Chanyeol, Yifan, Luhan, Kyungsoo, Minseok, Tao, Jongin and..." I stopped, trying hard to remember the poker face guy's name.

"Sehun. He's our maknae~" Chanyeol beamed.

"M..maknae?" I stuttered.

They all nodded.

"He's not the maknae?" I pointed at Luhan.

"Nope! We thought you were going to be the maknae!" Yifan chuckled.

"I don't look that young!!!!" I pouted.

"Yea... yea... whatever you say~" Chanyeol rolled his eyes.

"I'm telling you the truth!" I slightly slapped him on the arm.

"Uurrggg, I think our dorm's going to get louder since Happy Virus just got himself another Happy Virus," I heard Junmyeon muttering.

"Yea, I think they're going to get along really well... we should be prepared!" Luhan whispered back at him.

"Prepared for what?" I asked, slightly tilting my head to the right.

"Oh! Nothing~ I'm gonna get Sehun to come out and do a proper greeting to you both, that kid gotta stop whining!" Minseok shook his head while walking towards the door Sehun entered awhile ago.

"I'll come with you!" Jongdae hollered before following behind.

Not long after they went inside the room, Sehun came out along with the both of them. I quickly walked towards him and smiled, "Hi, my name is Baekhyu-" "I don't care," he cut in before leaving me standing there, dumbfounded.


I HAVE FINALLY UPDATED AFTER SO MANY DAYS!!! TBH, again, this was supposed to be published on Wednesday but I was too tired after school and Muay Thai.... I tried writing again on Thursday, but we had a Class Date so I got home at 9pm and went straight to bed... Yesterday, I tried to finish the chapter once again, but I have Piano lesson and Mandarin lesson til 8 and ate dinner at 9 which leaves me very tired so I went straight to sleep. I thought I would not have time to update today since I just got home from the mall and it's currently 10pm, but my hair is still wet so I decided to take the time to write rather than do some unproductive stuff~ I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you guys tomorrow (hopefully!) after I finish a cover request I need to finish... cause I've been delaying it for too long ><

*BaekRuu Series*

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