Chapter 3 : Secret Breaker

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**Next Day**

--Avery P.O.V--

"Twinkle twinkle little star." I heard my phone vibrate. I really love this ring tone. It sounds so calm and relaxing. Sounds child-ish but, don't laugh. It's my favourite song. Okay, laugh at me now. 

"Hello?" I said while trying to open my eyes. It's really hard since I'm too lazy to open it. "Hey!! It's Hayley." She said. "Oh, you. What do you want? It's 3 in the morning and I have to get a beauty sleep." I said. Hayley Summers. She's my friend at high-school. She's one of the people on my best friends list. "I'm going to your flat at early morning!!" She screams through the phone.

"Aren't you in Paris?" I ask. I thought she just arrived there about 2 days ago. 2 days in Paris? If I was Hayley, I would stay there forever. Well, I never went to Paris before. Pathetic, right? "It's boring there without you. So, I decided to go back early and sleep at my sister's house before I come to yours in the morning." She explains.

"Oh." I don't what to say anymore. My head is blank right now. I kept reminding of that stupid incident. Louis kissing me. Eww. I really regret that incident. Well, his face is cute and the only problem is, his personality. I know he's a funny guy. I watched a few of One Direction's videos on YouTube and Louis seems to be the funny one. But why is he's too arrogant in front of me? What's his problem? I just see him like the first time and he started to be mean. 

"Hello? Are you still there?" Hayley ask, stopping me from daydreaming. Or should I say nightdreaming? Whatever. "Yeah. I have to get a 3 hours of beauty sleep and bye!" I shouted, quickly hangs up. I don't want Hayley to say a single word. If she did, I have to wait a few hours more before she stops talking.

I close my eyes, trying to get 'the beauty sleep'. I didn't have enough of sleep lately because of my works. Luckily, tomorrow's Saturday. I might have enough sleep this time. 


I hit Louis as I was falling a we both landed on the floor. I closed my eyes to brace for impact and when I finally felt it I also felt something on my lips. I opened my eyes to see what happened. I was on top of Louis and our lips were touching. Both of our eyes were wide in shock at this scenario.

"AHH!!!" I shouted and quickly get up. I was breathing so fast and my heart can't stop pumping too fast. "Bad dream. Totally bad dream." I whispered. I take a deep breath. "Calm down, Avery. Calm down." I said while calming myself. 

That most regretful accident will haunt my life. This is all Louis' fault. He's the one who takes my stuffs. I'm just taking it back and I step on my on feet and ugh. I hate to remember it back. I just hate him so much. Why would he be arrogant to me? I don't even know him. 

I take a quick look at the clock, 3.50 a.m. What? I'm talking about Louis for almost an hour? "You're just wasting yourself, Avery." I whispered. I can't get him off from my head!! Why?! Why is his face always appears in my mind?!

"Twinkle twinkle little star." My phone vibrated again. Ugh, who could it be? Hayley? No way. "Hello?" I said, annoyed. How dare this person calls me in 4 a.m. I have to sleep and forget about that arrogant Mr. Louis Tomlinson. "Hello, who is this?" I said louder than before. Why aren't this person don't speak anything?

"Who is this?!" I shouted, starting to be mad. "Okay, okay! Don't shout! It's me, Hayley." She said. "You again." I sighed. "Aww, W\what's wrong? You seems so depressed." She said. "Yes!! I am depressed. If you won't call me again until 8, I'll be happy forever!! BYE!" I shouted and quickly hangs-up. That girl is so annoying!

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