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I decided to give a little info on my book. This is my first book that I've written on Wattpad or anywhere else. I recently discovered that I love to write, and seeing people read my book makes me happy. That's not what I was here to tell you though. I wanted to say that the beginning isn't that good in my book to be completely honest, so please bare with it because it gets much better. Trust me. (Recent Author's Note: No. No it does not) I'm a very modest person, so you won't see me bragging about my book (and for good reason). You'll most-likely see me talking about how much it sucks (because it does. Don't read it). I don't have many people's opinions on it, so I don't have anything to go by. That's why I'm asking you to comment, and tell me what you think. Don't be afraid to be honest, just don't say things like "THIS IS TRASH!" or anything. Tell me what you really think. Thank you, and may your teeth never be replaced by freshly ironed wool socks. :)

P.S. I have a new, very weird way of saying goodbye, and that last sentence was it. Yes, I know it's stupid.

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