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I know it's been a while but do tell me wat u think abt this things SPECIALLY THE IDO thing

sori if im saying "THING" im nt rly sure if this is a poem or just RANDOM VERSES xD

anyway hope ya lyk it ENJOY!!!!!

PS: Do COMMENT after you read :) n if u  CN VOTE 4 my work that would be most appreciated


When your heart aches so much

That it tears you apart

You cannot trust anyone

Let alone yourself

Everyone lies to you


If I say "I Do"

Then that is all for you

Even if I know you won't be faithful,

And I know you are being truthful;

Telling me the consequences

Before I make a mistake

The greatest mistake you thought I would make.

But let me tell you this:

Even if I'm hurting,

Even when my heart is aching,

Being with you,

Being bound with you, by holy matrimony

Is what I've always wanted,

I would never regret it.

Even if it hurts,

I'll wait till you love me,

Like the way I love you.


I do not want to hurt you,

I never did.

So I will no longer love you

And keep your heart safe,

For when the right man comes,

Love him like how you loved me.


You can cry on my shoulders

You don't have to act colder

Than how I act towards you

I am telling the you truth

That I'm in-love with you


I don't need you to LIVE

In fact I need you to SURVIVE

Cuz' without you HOW can I?

Your the part of me, which completes myself

Your the one that holds me strong  

Your like the glue that stick to me


Don't talk

Just shut up

Listen to the silent sounds

All around us

Enjoy the silence

In each others arms

That's the greatest thing I would want

We can stare at the night sky

That would make it complete


Hop ya guys lyked it :)

Tell me wat ya think abt it pls? I would want opinions n votes if possible :)

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