Bonus; Michael & Alice

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For Alice!(:

The sound of my phone constantly vibrating pulled me from my deep slumber and I groaned.

"Michael just answer the damn thing," Alice, my girlfriend of almost two years now chuckled.

"But it's like," I paused to peer over at the clock on the bedside table, "3am what the fuck," I whined almost childlike but come on can you blame me? My precious sleep!

"Urgh you're a pain in the fucking arse Mikey," my girl groaned reaching over me to grab my phone, "Hello? Yeah he's here, he wouldn't answer because 'it's like 3am'" she mocked my deep sleep voice laughing, with her thick Australian accent though it wasn't far off perfect, "What now? But it's too early! We'll be there in ten,"

Before I could even ask what was even happening she flew off the bed, her blonde hair flowing freely behind her and into the bathroom.

I heard taps running, Alice cursing and various bumping and mummers flowing throughout the apartment before she emerged again fully dressed and threw clothes at me.

"Uhhh what? Why? Am I missing something?" I say mouth hanging opening, a frown etched on my face as I waited for an explanation.

"Get dressed babe, that was Calum, Samantha's having the baby!" She squealed, jumping around like a child would on Christmas morning.

It was adorable. She was adorable.

And perfect.

And mine.

I'm the luckiest man in the world.


Alice was right when she had told Calum we would be there in ten.

We were there in just over five thanks to Alice's over excited speeding that I'm surprised we weren't pulled over for.

Rushing in the maternity ward, half asleep and probably looking a sight worse than death as we ran over to the newly wed Calum and Anya who were sat in the waiting room and quickly debriefed us all.

Now you're probably wondering why we're all here waiting for Samantha to give birth, why we were rushing around despite the fact that labour could take any ridiculous amounts of time right?

Sam and Ashton want us all here, Alice and Anya are her second birthing partner in turns, with Ashton as her primary partner of course and we all wanted to be here to meet the baby as soon as he or she is born.

They've even made us all godparents.

I'm not sure about Alice, actually I am, she's so excited about the baby being born but I know that I want to do everything within my power to be the best role model this kid can have, after all one day I want children.

I want a little boy who I can dress up in cute punk outfits and shred guitar with and I want a little punk princess too, of course we'll dress up as princesses too and I'll badly braid her hair and tell her she can't have a boyfriend till she's fifty but yeah, I want children.

I want children with Alice.

But I've not told her that, I've not even told her that I want to take her as my wife yet, would she even want that?

She does drop subtle hints Michael.

"Babe?" Alice's small hands wrapped around my forearm and I snapped out of my daze smiling down at my beautiful girlfriend. "You alright?" She rested her head on my chest and sighed.

"Yeah I'm just thinking about stuff, how's Sam?"

"She's good, about six cm dilated and I'm pretty sure Ashton's got a broken hand but she's doing just fine," Alice smiled up at me, "I've gotta to switch with Anya again in ten minutes though,"

"Alright babygirl, you'll keep us goddaddies updated though right?" I chuckled at my lameness before pulling her in for anther cuddle.

I like cuddles ok?

"You're very cuddly today babe, you sure you're ok?" She scrunched her eyebrows together as she watched me.

"I'm fine honestly, all this baby excitement just got me thinking that's all," I smiled, pulling Alice close to me again by our connected hands, "Do you want children someday?,"

"Of course I do, as much as the next girl," she laughed smiling, then stopped as she realised I was being serious and genuinely wanted to talk about it, "Why do you?"

"Yeah I've been thinking about it, a lot actually. Obviously I want to get married first but recently I've just wanted to start my own family and look toward the future yknow?"

"You really mean that?" Alice smiled, her eyes watery as she took in everything I said.

"I do mean it, every word of it. I want it all with you,"


Luke Robert Fletcher Irwin was born at 5:32am on July 18th 2020.

The date exactly in between Luke and Samantha's birthdays. The 16th and the 20th.

Best friends always right? Fate knows that.

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