Chapter 1

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Ashley's POV:

Ugh. I can't believe Leah and Kristi and dragging all the way over to the airport because One Direction might show up. They're so obsessed with them it's disgusting.

2 hours and 15 minutes later:

We get to the airport at 2:30. After sitting in traffic for 2 whole hours, and not even stopping for lunch, I was starving and had a headache from the crazy screeching voices of Kristi and Leah. They blabbed on and on about One Direction, squealing at the fact that they might get to see them, chatting about Louis and Eleanor's breakup. I take a deep breath of fresh air, wondering why on earth I had agreed to come with Kristi and Leah.

Oh yeah. To see Central Park. The place I've always dreamed to go. It had the world's largest library, and all I wanted to do was curl up with a good book under a shady tree and read.

I manage to jump into the library and check out a random book called Meltdown by Ben Elton before Kristi and Leah drag me into the airport.

OMG. I look around, shocked by the number of people crowded into the airport. There have got to be at least 5,000 people in here. Most of them are girls, but I spot a few guys, too. I guess One Direction is super popular.

Kristi and Leah join the crowd, screaming and yelling. I can't believe it. 1D hasn't even appeared yet. If the fans are this loud now... I don't want to be within a 5 mile radius of here when they do come out.

Sighing, I walk over to a bench and start reading. It's a really good book, and I'm about halfway through it when the cheering intensifies. Rolling my eyes, I ignore the piercing sound and continue reading. Out of the corner of my eye, I see security guard making a path, and then five boys come out of the doorway leading from their airplane.

I don't know what the big deal is. The fans' cheers got so loud, I wondered how One Direction wasn't deaf.

I recognized the one with the black Mohawk thing (Kristi and Leah called it a quiff or something like that) as Zayn, the blondie as Niall (Kristi and Leah called him adorable). I knew the other names, but didn't know who was who. Okay. There's Liam, Harry, and Lewis. Wait, scratch that, there's no Lewis. Oh yeah, Louis.

People were going crazy, stretching their hands through the gate protecting One Direction and trying to grab them. I wondered what would happen if the gate tipped over. The fans would probably chase them all over the place. So I wasn't exactly surprised when the gate fell down and 1D was being chased all over the place.

Louis's POV:

I sauntered down the ramp leading into the airport, flanked by the rest of the boys. As usual, are fans were going crazy over us. I was seriously glad I had remembered to wear earplugs. Liam, on the other hand, had not. He winced and covered his ears, which made everyone scream even louder. Fans can be so insane.

When the gate tipped over, no one was prepared. And by no one, I mean no one. So, since the fans were frozen, me and the boys used this to our advantage and sprinted to the door at the end of the path, threw open the door, and slammed it shut. Our fans, desperate to see us, banged on the door, screaming their undying love for us.

"I don't think that door is going to hold, lads!" Zayn shouted, trying to be heard over the screams of the fans.

"Let's go find our suite!" I shouted back.

"Okay!" The boys screamed.

We ran up down some metal stairs and opened a door. Finally, fresh air. Trying not to catch any attention from bystanders, we walked down the street to our suite, which was super close by. Luckily our fans didn't know that. We were greeted at the top by two security guards. They escorted us to our suite and when I got into it I jumped onto the bed and sighed. Liam then ran out of the room for 5 minutes and when he came back, he said,

"Guys guess what?".

"What?" said Harry.

"I attached a live camera thingy in the airport. Now we can watch all our crazy fans. If you want to zoom in, click twice on the screen." Liam said, pulling out an Ipad. All the boys crowded around it, laughing. I smiled but wasn't really interested. Then, in the farthest corner of the screen, I saw a girl, and suddenly, I was interested in the screen. Really interested. I grabbed the Ipad and jumped into my room. The boys didn't really care, but Harry was curious about what I was doing and tried to follow me. I shut the door before he could ask me what I was doing.

She was so beautiful. Her hair was perfectly blond. I zoomed in with the camera and saw that her eyes were green. I couldn't stop staring at her. After a while, I felt kind of like a stalker, so I un-zoomed the camera, came out of my room, and handed the Ipad back to Liam. Then I went back in my room and put on a hoodie.

"Um, er, I'm going down stairs to, um, never mind, bye!"

I sprinted out of our suite, down the street, and zipped up my hoodie before casually opening the airport doors.

Ashley's POV:

After a while, the fans started leaving the premises, mad that 1D had ditched them, but psyched to have seen them. Most of the fans were whispering to each other, saying things like

"OMG did you see Harry looking at me" or "I think Liam winked at me! I'm going to start planning our wedding now!". Although most of these girls were 18 (just like me), they were acting like 13 year olds.

After I finished the chapter I was on, I told Kristi and Leah that I was going to Central Park and walked out of the airport doors. At the same time, some guy wearing a hoodie over his face pushed through the doors, too. I bumped into him accidently because I was reading, said

"Oops, sorry." and exited the airport. I didn't notice him staring at me.

Finally! Out of that loud, crowded airport! Enjoying the fresh air, I walked to Central Park which was only a few blocks away, and found a perfect, shady tree that even had a small bench underneath it. Smiling, I settled down on the bench and kept reading.

Harry's POV:

Where the heck is Louis going? He's acting all funny, and his eyes looked kind of glazed over, like he was sleeping with his eyes open or something. I wanted to see what he was doing, so I told the boys.  

"I'll come with you, Hazza." said Liam.

"Alright." I sighed.

"Anyone else want to come?".

"Nope," said Niall, who was stuffing his face with chips.

"Mmm." hummed Zayn, who had his headphones on and was listening to music.

"Guess it's just us," I said to Liam.

"Let's go already Haz!" Liam said.

"Okay! But first let's go get disguises or something so that we aren't swarmed by paparazzi," I said.

Louis's POV:

I was just walking into the airport when she pushed past me. D*mn. Now I was going to have to follow her and it would look like I was stalking her or something. Now she would probably either get scared of me and run away, or scream and then faint because I'm Louis Tomlinson. I sigh, and slowly walk after her, making sure to keep her in view.

She walks down the street to Central Park. I see her sit on a bench under a big willow tree and start reading. The book must have been funny, because she smiled. God, that smile was beautiful. Acting as cool as it was possible to be with a hoodie over your face, I walked up to her. I started getting sweaty and kind of nervous, which is weird because the last time I got like this was when I first saw Eleanor. This is stupid, I told myself. I'm Louis Tomlinson. I can handle one really pretty girl. Right?

"Um, hi!" I said, sounding waaaay too enthusiastic.

Dang. I'm seriously going to mess this up.

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Hope you liked my first chapter! Go Team Lou!!

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