Chapter 10

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Harry's POV

"Leah...Leah?" Niall yells as he chases after her.

"Babe, it'll be okay." I say, springing out of the bushes. Leah's upstairs by now, but I needed to show Niall she was MINE!

"What'd you do, sh*tface?" Niall yelled at me, turning his head to see my face. It was the loudest and angriest I have ever seen him in the years we have known each other.

"I, I, I love her." I stammered out. But as the words came out, I got angrier and yelled. "And did she tell you she and I made out at the bar. Have you read the papers and magazines that show me saying I'm her boyfriend and her nodding? That's right! And before you blame it on her or call her a slut, just realized she never loved you. I LOVE HER AND I KNOW IT'S MUTUAL!" I screamed, barging in Leah's house and dashing upstairs.

***-***-***-***-*** (Upstairs a few minutes later)

"You're only making this harder on me!" Leah sobbed out, crashing to the ground. Her long, chocolate colored hair falling to her waist. I sat down beside her and she pushed me away. It was the first time I had ever seen this girl as vulnerable.

She cried and wept for quite a while. The whole time I sat on her bed, watching. Niall had left, and was probably punching his pillow now. After quite a while of watching Leah cry, I said,

"What can I do?"

"I want to go back to America." She cried out.

"We still have 3 more weeks here.." I whined, moving myself to the floor next to her. This time she didn't push me away, just lay down and used my lap as a pillow. She faced me and gave me a helpless look with bloodshot eyes, and I shrugged, doing all I could to help her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and cried some more.

***-***-***-***-*** (30 minutes later)

Leah was still crying when I finally spoke.

"Why waste your time crying?" I expected anger and a storming out, but she looked up at me and responded,

"I...don't know. I'm trying to think, you know? What I've come up with is that, well this is weird and embarrassing, but... I don't love Niall. I love... you." The tears stopped. "I broke up with him this morning. We decided to still be friends, but he said he would be very protective. So I'm worried, but I love you." Then she sat up. Her head rested on my shoulder, she looked up at me.

This time I kissed her for real. Not a drunk on a bench kiss, but a real kiss. She cried again, and then smiled. I asked her about her because I wanted to find ot everything I could about her. She was my new everything.

I found out that right now she was taking a gap year with Kristi and Ashley to have fun before college. She wants to be an editor and she loves dancing. In high school, she worked in the drama department on costumes. Her dad left her on her 9th birthday so ever since she's lived with her mom, Rhonda Kingston, who has always counted on Leah for support. When she was 13, her mom remarried a business man, George. George never really liked Leah until when she was 15 and she interned at his company. When she turned 18, she moved in with Kristi, and Ashley is trying to move out of her apartment to move in with them as well. The day before we left for England, George called Leah and told her he wanted her to be an editor for his company. She wanted to, but she didn't like his company, so she took an interview with The New York Times. She hadn't heard back yet, and that's one of the reasons she is so stressed.

"Now I guess I have to tell you my life story," I told her. She laughed and smiled. "Do you have a car here?"

"Um....Yes? We rented one." 

Leah's POV

When Harry asked me about a car, I was confused. Soon he explained that where we were going we couldn't walk because of the fans. He wouldn't tell me where, but he said that it was worth it.

I lead him down to the garage and we exited out of that back of the house, unseen. He kept one hand on the wheel, and place one and on mine, which was resting on a cup holder inbetween us. I smiled and looked down, impressed with how much he's changed since I met him.

"Ever since I was little, I would come here to think. It's my whole life story up until now, really." Harry said, taking his hand off of mine to point to a bridge in the distance. I would have never noticed it if he hadn't pointed it out. On the other side of the bridge was a beautiful and tiny island, and the bridge was only about 3/4 of a mile long. The island was covered in gardens and plants, with very few streets and houses. The houses were all pastel colored and antique looking. It was perfect. 

"It looks...beautiful" I told him. He smiled and pulled up to the bridge, parking. No one was on the bridge, and it was going to be really romantic. It was narrow, and could only be accessed by feet, not cars.

"I call it the Bridge Between. We're in the city now, with buildings and smoke and cars. When we walk across, we'll be in the, well this sounds silly, but I used to call the island of perfection," He looked down sheepishily. I giggled and wrapped my hand in his as we started walking on the thin bridge. 


The walk lasted not too long, but it was amazing. We held hands and talked, and the view was extravagant. I sound sappy and weird, but it's true. The water was crystal and quiet, the breeze was light and soft, the Harry Styles next to me was sweet and sexy. I talk about him like he's an object. WEIRD! Anyway, it was amazing.....

When we got to the other side, I was surprised. It was even prettier than it had looked from far away. The Bridge Between was paradise. We couldn't even hear cars or people, just the rushing water of a fountain nearby.

Soon, Harry whipped his head around. A boy, about 13 years old, ran across the bridge and sat down against the wall, tears rushing down his face. I looked at Harry, and he was staring at the guy, with a dazed look in his eyes. I knew immediantly that he was seeing himself as a boy, and no longer imagining himself as an adult. I gave him a light tap on the shoulder and he gave a small jump, bit his lip, and turned around to keep walking with me.

We walked around for a bit, and it was lovely. Flowers everywhere, little, quaint, storybook style houses. every once in a while, you saw a child in a church outfit or a teenager in a sundress with a cute boyfriend. Once we even saw an old lady out in a garden, knitting. 

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