Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to Harry or Niall? COMMENT

1 ½ Months Later

Ashley’s POV

We are all visiting England right now. It’s so amazing. The boys took us as a surprise. But poor Niall got sick on the way here. Stupid airplane. Anyway, today we are all going to the boy’s favorite club, because we aren’t underage here. Louis is taking me shopping for a dress. The other girls are going together.

Anyway, when we got to the shop, I loved it. He said that he knew I would. Everything was so beautiful I couldn’t choose. I finally picked out a beautiful black and white strapless dress. Louis said it looked perfect on me. I loved it so much. EXTERANL LINK

Kristi’s POV

Leah and I went dress shopping. She took forever, but mine was decided on the moment we walked into the fist shop. It is a beautiful black long sleeve number, and it is as cute as can be. We had to go in 5 stores before finding Leah one. But it did look amazing on her once she bought it. It was baby blue and strapless with a little rose I the corner. I could tell Harry would love it. Niall wasn’t coming because he was sick, so I knew she was trying to impress Hazz. She would never admit it though. THESE DRESSES ARE ALSO IN EXTERNAL LINK

Leah’s POV

I have to admit, my dress is really pretty. I hope Harry will like it. Oh! What am I saying! I like Niall. I like Niall. Niall likes me. Harry isn’t dating me. I am always am reminding myself. Anyway, when we get to the club it’s very crowded. People at the bar, people spread out, dancing.  I could tell I would absolutely love it. Harry showed me around as a band came up on the stage to play. Everyone started dancing. To me it felt like prom, but everyone was a little older. Harry came up to me and over the loud music he screamed,

“How you liking it, love?”

“Great!” I yelled back. It was great, until they played a slower song. Because Niall wasn’t here, I was alone. Some people tried to dance with me, but I didn’t want to. Until I bumped into Harry again.

“Don’t like being alone?” He asked, with this cute smirk on his face.

“I don’t particularly care for it.” I responded, and then looked down at my feet. Even though he got the hint, Harry took my waist and started to dance.

“You look nice.” He said, and looked at my dress.

“Thanks.” I said, and then looked away.  I thought if I didn’t make eye contact he’d give up. He didn’t.

Harry took one hand off my waist to play with my hair. It made me look back at him.

“Arg! My heel broke.” I whined. 78$ for a broken heel. Great.

“Leah said her heels felt a bit flimsy, so she brought shoe glue. It’s in the car. Come on, I’ll walk you out.” Harry responded. I walked towards the door when he said he was going to stop at the bathroom to freshen up. I nodded yes and kept walking as  fast as I could with a broken heel. There was a swarm of paparazzi about half a block away, waiting for one of the boys to come out to snap a picture. They would love it when Harry caught up.  A man who I had recognized from the club walked up to me. I could tell he was drunk. He was handsome, but it still worried me.

“My don’t you look hot!” He slurred. “But why is your butt so blurry? I was eying it, and it went blurry. BLUUUUURRRRYYY” He said again. I took a step back.

“I have a boyfriend.” I clarified, and then swatted his hand away.

“I don’t see a boyfriend. If your boyfriend shows up, I leave. If he doesn’t, you give me a chance. A big, fat, honking chance. Like, so much of a chance, you’ll like get drunk with me and stufffff…”

“Um… I don’t think so…” I backed into a trashcan.

“Where is he? Where is he? You’re too sexy to go to waste. Where’s your boyfriend???”

“I’m her boyfriend.” I low voice said behind me. Harry grabbed my waste and smiled at the man. I was glad the guy was leaving, but not glad that the photographer caught that boyfriend thing on tape.

Harry’s POV

I thought she would kill me when I said I was her boyfriend, but she didn’t. She nodded, and I could tell she was holding in tears. I think they were thank you tears, though. To back up the act, I leaned down and kissed her check. I didn’t care about all the paparazzi. I was protecting her. I knew what that man was going to do to her, and it was more than just buy her a drink. I couldn’t let anything happen to her. So I kissed her again, grasped her hand, and got the shoe glue out of the car. We walked back inside without saying a word. I got her to outside the bathroom before she started to cry. I sat down at the bench right next to the bathroom door, helped her glue her heel, then picked up her sad body and sat it on my lap.

“I would be a good boyfriend, wouldn’t I?” I said. Right after I regretted it. It had just sprung out of my mouth. I was expecting a yell, but no.

“You would. And your not going to tell Niall about this next part, either.” She responded.

I was confused at first, but then I knew what was coming next. She kissed me and ran her fingers through my hair, hugging me with the other hand. I wanted to stop her for the sake of my friend, but I couldn’t. She was finally kissing ME. After 1 second, I was kissing back. Soon I heard Kristi’s voice around the corner, and stopped. Leah sprung off my lap and I wiped the lipstick away from my mouth. I pretended to still be fixing her shoe. They walked by without a care.

“That was a bad girl move.” I said to Leah, and smirked.

“That was a bad boy move. And we need to never ever tell anyone about it, okay? And for the record, you’re a much better kisser than Niall.” She laughed. I wanted to kiss her again. I wanted to stroke her beautiful face and I wanted more than anything for her to admit that she loved me back. I knew that wasn’t a spur of the moment kiss. It was real. Real as h*ll.

Leah’s POV

I knew I wasn’t supposed to. But, I did. That was that. But should I break up with Niall to date Harry? No. Niall would be crushed. Even though he wasn’t as good a kisser, he was still great. He was handsome, and sweet, and he said the nicest thing. So that was the thing. There was a test.

I knew I was being tested. And I knew what the first and only question was. But I had no idea what the right answer was.

Harry… or Niall…?


Sorry for the short chapters that are oing up! I hopefully will start writing longer ones. Also, I will write more on weekends, so I'm not writing much right noe. But I tried to get one up. I want one up every three days. I have to do a project tonight, so it couldn't be longer and I couldn't start another. Sorry! 




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