Short 3- Just A Story

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A whip cracked far away, a blur white flew past my vision. 'That's him, I'm sure of it.' Outstretching my hind legs I sprinted towards him. I still didn't know who he was, but before I could see his fur Kaysha walked in front of me.

"KAYSHA! Get out of the way!" I shouted, to late, before she could react I barrelled over her and kept going.

"Sorry!" I exclaimed before searching my line of sight for him,

'Gotcha!' I caught his scent half a mile up river from Flame Den. I growled knowing exactly what he was after. I continued my run up stream, the trees turned ashen.

'Why? I know he must be a rival, but how does he know where our-' my thoughts were drowned out by a blood curdling screech. I felt my ears prick up and the fur on my neck raise,

"WHO'S THERE?" I yelled as hard as I could, I was responded with a slight whimper. Cautiously I trotted up to where my ears led me. I gasped in horror, in front of me was three shrivelled up bodies of my best friends, and all of the others that had gone missing, they were all half starved to death. I carefully walked up to them,

"A-are you guys o-okay?" I questioned,

"N-n-no, w-eee, can b-barely speak let alone walk..." She wheezed,

'Woah, they really are bent outta shape aren't they?' I sighed, 'think think think! Okay that might just work!'

"Who took you here?" I questioned, all of their heads picked up now.They all grunted,

"The Querin," they whispered, "he was the one who took us here,"

The formal term for a demonized one of their kind sent shivers down my spine. I just stared at them, absolutely flabbergasted by the thought of a Querin even near of this side of the river.

A wicked laugh sounded from behind me. I whipped around on my paws and growled,

"Thank you for the exposition, my friends," the figure spoke of my near death companions,

"Ah but what a lovely surprise, to have The Linta, come visit me..." My formal name as second in command for my tribe, it sickened me the way he said it.

"Yes, but I don't believe 'visit' is the correct terminology for this meeting," I growled at him,

'This Querin is very determined to get under my fur, isn't he?' I was unaware of his approach until I felt his hot breath on my neck.

"Awe look at this, the Linta has got cold paws hasn't she?" He played, "has my charm already gotten to you?"

"Gah!" I stepped backwards out of the swipe of his paws.

" I do not wish to fight!" I shouted,

"Awe that's cute," he lunged towards me. I jumped at the last second, making him crash into the wall behind me,

"Draka!" He swore in our tongue, I sprinted towards the upper loft. It was old and rickety, as my claws scratched the wooden planks I skidded to a stop.

"I hope you know that I did bring a fleet of warriors," I stated, his posture slipped, "and they are all prepared to bust in here if I give the command." I watched as his tail tucked underneath him. Just then Kaysha burst through the door, I gave a fake signal to her and she raced in with a troop of our finest Guardians.

"YOU'RE ALL FOOLS! I WILL NOT GO DOWN SO EASILY!" A wave of red and purple energy spread around the broken den, knocking over Kaysha and some of the Guardians. I was finally mad enough,

"ENOUGH!" I declared a flame ring started to glow around me, my eyes had gone completely gold and glowing, my fur had also changed to white with flame markings on it.

"Get out of here!" I command, they had no choice but to listen to me. Kaysha led everyone out, before I turned back to the Querin.

"Finally! You reveal your true form!" He chuckled, I couldn't help but growl.

"Leave this place and never return!" My fire burst up as I walked closer, "and if I ever see you back here, you will not live to see another moon..." I whispered.

"Gah, y-you don't scare me..." He tried to sound brave thought it wasn't working. I rammed into him causing him to fall on his side and slide across the room, his exposed belly made it easy for me to leave him with a warning mark. I shot a fireball at him and he fled. I headed back to the tribe.

"And children that's how your great grandmother defeated the awful Querin."

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