Ice Queen and Little Red

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You start walking towards the two girls. As you approach them, you notice a snow flake on some of the suitcases near the girls. Where have I seen that symbol? You ask yourself. Oh crap, it's a fricken Schnee. Your family has been at war with the Schnee family for generations. Your family used to be the primary producer of dust until the Schnee's came along and stole your families company. As you are walking up to them, Little Red sneezes causing an explosion. You then notice a girl reading a book pick up a vial of red dust. She turns the vial and looks and the symbol on it.
You don't want to cause even more trouble but you have to stop little miss princess from yelling at (nickname for Blake).You walk in between Schnee and Little Red to stop the argument. Weiss stops talking and glares at you.
Reader: Hey princess , why don't you leave Red alone?
???: It's heiress actually. Weiss Schnee , heiress to the Schnee Dust Company.
Weiss: Finally some recognition.
???: The same company infamous for its faunus labor forces and shady business partners.
Weiss: Why you little.
Reader: Hey ice queen, chill out, stop trying to hurt anymore people then you already have.
Weiss: Anymore people? I don't know who I've hurt or if I've hurt anyone at all but you need to get out of my way.
Reader: What if I don't move. What are you going to do about it, ice queen?
Weiss: Ugh.
She turns and walks away. You notice Little Red had somehow ended up on the ground. You went over to her and offered her your hand. You pulled her up.
Reader: Hey, you alright?
Little Red: Yeah, thanks for the help.
Reader: Yeah no problem. My names(y/n).
Little Shit: My names Ruby. Soooo, what was that about?
Reader: Huh, my family has been at war with the Schnee family for generations, by war I mean actual bloodyshit. I have had friends who have been killed by Schnees in the past. So I've learned not to get to close to anyone anymore.
Ruby: But doesn't that make you lonely?
Reader: I mean I guess. Um. Should we start going to the assembly.
Ruby: Probably.
As you turn to head towards the assembly you notice the blonde haired guy looking around confused. You walk up to him.
Reader: Hey, you need any help?
???: Umm, yeah I do.
Reader: Why don't you just come with me and Little Red?
???: Little Red?
Reader: Yeah her name is actually Ruby but I've stuck to Little Red.
???: Well my names Jaune Arc, short, sweet, rolls of the tongue, ladies love it.
Reader: Do they now?
Jaune: Huh, no, but they will.
Reader: Well my names (y/n)
Jaune: Nice to meet you. So should we get going.

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