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Ruby: Well, I have this. Brings out scythe.
Jaune: Woah, is that a scythe?
Ruby :  It's also a customizable high impact sniper rifle.
Jaune: Whaa?
Reader: It's also a gun.
Jaune: Oh.
Ruby: So what do you have Jaune?
Jaune: Well, I have this sword.
Ruby: Oooo.
Reader: Oh, a sword, people don't have any appreciation for the classics anymore. I always say if it is broken grimm it. Okay, that was a terrible pun and I immediatly regret it.
Jaune : I also have this. Extends shield
Ruby: So what does it do?
Jaune: If I get tired of carrying it, I can retract it and put it on my belt.
Reader: Wouldn't it still weigh the same?
Jaune: Yeah it does.
Ruby: So, (y/n) what weapon do you have?
Reader: I haven't finished making mine yet, oh by the way did you make your scythe?
Ruby: Yeah how did you know?
Reader: Well it's just that most people don't know how to make a scythe, I only know one other person who has made a scythe of this caliber, and he teaches at Signal.
Ruby: Oh that's my uncle Qrow.
Reader: Oh, so that's where you learned how to use your scythe, I also kinda figured that either you were dressed in the colors of your scythe or you designed it to look like you.
Ruby: Yeah I guess I did go a little overboard with the design.
Reader: Well whatever, As long as you don't hurt yourself and you know how to use it properly, then I'm not judging.
Ruby: Hey, do you know where we're going, (y/n)?
Reader: Yeah, I just decided to go the scenic route.
Ruby: Oh well should we be getting to the  assembly hall .
Jaune: Probably.
Reader: Oh, I forgot you were there Jaune, with you being so quiet.
Ruby, Jaune, and you go to the assembly hall where Ruby goes to find her sister. Professor Ozpin walks up to the microphone.
Ozpin: I'll make this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge--to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose – direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.
Reader: Well, that was something but he seemed off almost like he wasn't even there.
Ruby: Hey,(y/n)!
Reader: Hey Ruby.
Ruby: I'd like you to meet my sister, this is Yang.
Yang: Hey nice to meet you.
Reader: And you as well.
Ruby: Well we should probably start heading towards the mess hall and find out where we're going to be sleeping.
Reader: Yeah I agree. So shall we go?
Ruby: Let's go.
You head towards the door and hold it open for Ruby and Yang.
Yang: Well aren't you just a gentleman. Rawr.
Yang smirks at you causing you to start to blush.
You close the door behind you and walk with Ruby and Yang to the mess hall. You notice that it's getting dark.
Reader: We should probably start heading inside.
Ruby: Yeah.
You head inside and notice the enormous amount of people in the mess hall.
You decide to head up to the roof but you notice that Weiss is standing behind Ruby and Yang.
Weiss: YOU!!
Ruby: Oh god it's happening again.
Reader: Huh, better stop this before it escalates again.

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