Report cards Fights and More Parties

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I guess you could say my morning was bad. No you could say it was the worst morning ever. Why you ask? Well I got my report card in the mail today, I got my first C. I also am failing Geography which is no surprise I have always hated Geography. I know It's not that bad but now I'm average.

I checked my clock again before I was actually 'up'. 8:48. I whispered profanities under my breath as I jumped up and went to get on my red skinny jeans, then my Sleeping With Sirens T-shirt . I ran outside as quick as I could. I put my car keys in the ignition and tried to start it. It stalled then nothing. I tried again. Nothing. I got out the car and reached in my pocket to call Lindsay. Of course voice mail. I got out my car and started down the road.

I walked for a while and made to school finally. I checked the time. 12:34 just in time for lunch. If you're wondering what took me so long to get here I stopped to other places before. I walked into school. I was immediately overcome by loads of people in a circle chanting Luke over and over. I moved some people out the way not in the best mood. when I came on the scene Luke was on top of Cameron hitting him in the face repeatedly. what was I supposed to do chances are if I get in it I'll get hit. if I don't then Cameron gets hurt worse. well I made my choice.

"Woah! Stop what is all this about!" I screamed I was pissed.

"I swear Jess emo boy here started it all I was just walking by and he punched me. Come on who you gonna believe emo boy or your boyfriend?"

"Well Luke to be honest I don't want to believe you and you and I are through yes I Jessica Payne is breaking up with the one and only Luke Picasso. Oh yeah and 'emo boy' has a name and its Cameron." I said with a smirk

"No you can't dump me I can only dump you so there fore consider yourself dumped!" He said crossing his arms.

"Nope not fair I did it first so I only have one to say." I stunk my tongue out at him. "Ha ha ha." I said satisfied. crap I just remembered Cameron. "Cameron are you okay?"

"Yea never better just a black eye and a broken nose. Just wonderful." In case you didn't know that sarcasm.

"Sorry come on let's get you to nurse." I said helping him get up.

We walked down to the nurses office it was quiet until Cameron broke it with.

"So since you dumped Luke does this mean I can do this?" He leaned down and kissed me. I immediately responded by kissing him back. I always have the constant urge to kiss his lips. He finally broke the kiss but leaving my lips wanting more.

After we talked to the nurse she told us he had a broken nose and needed to rest because he had a concussion from his head going into a locker.

I decided to just skip school and hang with Cameron. Since I had walked to school we were gonna use his car to get home. We made our way to his car. Or should I say pick up truck. It was an ugly green color with paint pieces chipped off here and there, It was rusted above the tires, and lastly it was a stick shift which I had no idea how to drive that kind.

"So are you going to show me how to drive this or?"

"Chill babe its cool I can drive us." He said reassuringly.

"No I'm not going to chill you have a concussion I'm not letting you drive me anywhere with a concussion." I said making myself clear.

"Fine then I guess we aren't going anywhere." He said mad. Well this is going to be fun. It was an awkward silence.

"Are you mad at me?" I said.

"No just agitated with you at the moment so I'm just going to stay quiet for a while." He said trying to stay calm.

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