Chapter 4

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The final bell of the day rang out and I rushed out of the class and headed towards the school gates. JB was standing there waiting for me already with a nervous smile on his face. I skipped over to him and gave him a warm smile.

"Hey JB" I said to him.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded and followed him out of the school gates. James was not far behind us and he was squeeling to himself and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"What's so funny?" JB asked turning to me.

"Nothing" I said quickly.

"So um... how was school?" He asked running his hand through his hair.

"It was okay I guess. Are you okay?" I asked. "You seem nervous"

"Nervous? Me? No I'm used to girls being around me" he said but I could tell he was lying to me.

"JB" I started as I put my hand on his arm. "It's okay to feel nervous, I'm nervous"


"Yes so there's no need to lie to me"

"Okay. I feel better now"

"Good. Now where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise" he said.

I didn't like surprises. They always ended badly for me but maybe this time would be different. We walked down the streets passing crowds of people going about their day. JB stopped outside of a brightly lit building and smiled at me.

"Come on" he said holding out his hand to me.

I took his hand and he dragged me in through the door where we were met by loud music and bright lights. I looked around and seen games everywhere.

"An arcade?" I asked.

"Yeah. If you don't want to come then we could go somewhere else" he said sounding disappointed.

"No no. I love this place but just so you know I'm going to kick your ass" I said before running away from him and towards a racing car game.

"Oh you're going down" he yelled as he took the seat next to me and put the money in.

The game started and we started racing. JB did try his best to beat me but I was too good for him.

"I am the champion" I screamed jumping up and down.

"We're not done yet. 1-0 to you" he said. "Now it's my turn to choose"

He dragged me the Guitar Hero game that was next to the car racing game. He picked up the two guitars and handed me one, he put the money in.

"I pick the song" he said scrolling down the options.

"Fine. I'll still kick your butt" I said.

He smirked and picked Sandstorm by Metallica. The song started as did the completion. I had only played Guitar hero a hand full of times but to the looks of it JB had played it many more times than I had. The song finished and JB's score was way higher than mine. He jumped up and down.

"Yes bow down" he said.

"Okay. Last game, this is the decider" I said walking over to the dance dance revaluation game.

"Oh you're going down Tay" he said joining me on the platform.

I picked the cheesiest song on there and started dancing. I underestimated JB'S dancing, he was kicking my ass at this game. The song finished and he turned to me with a big grin on his face.

"I win. Now what's my prize?" He asked me.

"I don't know. What do you want it to be?"

He didn't answer with words. He pulled me in by my waist and kissed me, his soft lips claiming mine. He pulled away and smiled down at me, his eyes lighting up.

"I have a question for you" he said.

I nodded and braced myself for the question.

"Be my girl?" He asked me.

"Oh my God yes" I said jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck.

He spun me around and chuckled. All of my dreams had just come true, JB was my boy. We left the arcade and he walked me home leaving me with a gentle kiss. The first thing I did was call James to tell him everything about today. He picked up after one ring.

"Spill. Now" he said down the phone.

"I'm his. He asked me out and we are now going out" I said.

"Ahhhhhh" he screamed down the phone.

"Ow that hurt you shitbag" I said.

"I am so happy for you Taylor. I told you it would happen"

"I need to go the now okay. Speak to you tomorrow" I said.

"But Taylor..." he started.

"Bye" I said quickly hanging up the phone and falling on to my bed.

Today had been a mess but a good mess. My biggest crush asked me out but although I was happy I had a sinking feeling that this was going to fuck my life up majorly. I didn't know how but I had a hunch about it. Only time will tell.

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