Chapter 2

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I sat in the back of my English class waiting for JB to stroll in casually and slump in to his seat. And, as if on cue, he strolled in with the whole class following his every move and sat down at his desk. He looked just as cute as he did everyday, ripped jeans, plain black t-shirt and leather jacket. On his head was a black backwards cap which pulled the whole outfit together. The teacher clapped his hands at the front of the class bringing everyone's attention to the front.

"Okay today I will put you guys in to pairs where you will work on a project about Romeo and Juilet" he said.

Everyone groaned. We had been studying Romeo and Juilet for a few weeks now, everyone was sick of it well everyone apart from me. I loved romance and forbidden love so it was right up my street. Another thing I kept from everyone.

"Taylor" the teacher said bringing me back to reality. "You will be working with JB"

My heart dropped. The boy I have had a crush on for ages is now my project partner. The girls in my glass sighed and whispered about how lucky I was and it made me feel good. JB and I would have to meet up to work on the project giving us an excuse to talk. The teacher gave out the partners and we all moved to our partners, JB got up and moved next to me. He was silent. I tensed next to him and tried to think of something to say to him.

"So um what do you think of Romeo and Juilet?" I asked nervously looking at him.

"Surprisingly I actually really like it. How bout you?" He looked at me.

"It's one of my favorites. I just love the thought of two people who go against everything they were taught to be together" I answered. I was starting to find my confidence.

"Would you like something like that?"

I was startled by his question. This was the first time that we have ever spoken and he asks me that.

"Yeah well minus the killing myself over their body. I would like to avoid that but the loving some body no matter what, that's what I want. What about you?"

"I don't know what I want yet" he said looking me in the eyes. "I like how you know what you want"

"Thank you. So how should we present this?" I asked him.

"PowerPoint? Seems eaiser but if you want to talk more about it then you could come over tonight"

"Sure I would like that"

The bell rang and everyone started filing out of the class room and in to the now busy hallway. JB remained next to my desk waiting for me to start walking. He walked me to my locker and leaned against the neighbouring locker smirking at me.

"Here's my address. Come over about six okay?" He said handing over a piece of paper.

I nodded and smiled at him.

"Good. See you then" he said as he left and joined his friends.

I let out a sigh and put my forehead against my locker door. My stomach turned at the thought of going over to JB's house and being alone with him. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me in to a hard chest.

"Hello Taylor" James said before letting me go.

"Oh my God James guess where I'm going tonight?"


"JB's because he's my partner in English and we have to make a presentation on Romeo and Juilet"

"Oh my God T" James said jumping up and down.

"Calm down" I said chuckling at him.

"You nervous?"

"Bricking it"

"Just be you" he said to me.

That wasn't going to help me tonight.

Outside his house

Come on Taylor. Just knock on the door and study with your crush I told myself in my head. I pressed the door bell and waited for someone to open the door. It was five past six and I made sure to not come on time since it would look so desperate if I did. The door opened and there stood JB, he was in sweats and yellow and purple donut jumper. His hair was messier than usual but he still looked hot. He smiled at me and let me in.

"Was beginning to think you weren't going to come" He said as I walked in to his house.

"Sorry I'm a little late. Do you live alone?" I asked.

"Yeah. Come on, let's get started" he said leading me in to his living room.

It was a deep red colour with black leather couches and silver coffee table. He had a big flat screen TV on the wall, I wonder what his favorite show is. The house itself was beautiful but how could he afford it? He lived alone unless his family helped out with payment but even then how was he allowed to live alone.

"Hey Taylor you okay?" He asked snapping me out of my daydream.

"Yeah sorry I was just thinking" I said embarrassed.

"It's okay. Come on let's sit down" he said sitting down on the couch.

I sat down next to him and reached into my bag to get my Romeo and Juilet book and my notes.

"So where should we start?" I asked.

"Well let's think about the story. Our teacher wants us to tell summarys about the story and the characters" he said.

"Well it's basically forbidden love but I don't like how young they are. They're what 13 or 14 years old and they got married after like a day, would you not say that's a bit soon? And then they end up dead which isn't the best" I rambled.

"Woah. Wasn't expecting that answer but I do agree with you. I think it's a bit stupid that they are that young and getting married after at least a day" he said.

"If that happened today then people would think they were crazy. Sure it's romantic but come on let's take things slow" I said.

He laughed. God his laugh was adorable.

"How come you don't say this in class?" He asked.

"I get nervous and I don't want to admit that Romeo and Juilet is one of my favorite stories" I answered.

"You shouldn't get embarrassed. I think it's cute"

I looked up at him surprised, did JB just call me cute? My crush has just called me cute. I felt my face got bright red and I looked away quickly hiding my face from him. His hand went under my chin and he tilted my head up so I was facing him. He leaned in and his lips were just about to touch when he looked away from me.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah sorry" he said but he still hadn't turned back around. His breathing was heavy and he was griping the couch making the leather squeak.

"Do you want me to go? We can do this another day" I asked.

He nodded. "I think I'm coming down with something but we can talk tomorrow"

"Okay. See you tomorrow" I said as I left the living room and left his house.

The cold air hit me like a knife. I wrapped my leather jacket around me and started to walk. JB was going to kiss me but something came over him that made him stop. I've never seen him like that before, he confused me. Why was he like that? I shook my head and continued to walk. Everything will be okay.

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