Chapter 10

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"Ugh I hate school" I called out as I slid my leather jacket around me.

"I know but we need to go" JB said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You don't. How many times have you actually gone to school?" I asked.

"I've lost count to be honest" he said chuckling.

I rolled my eyes at him. My phone buzzed in my back pocket, a new text message from James. I swiped my phone and looked at the message.

*oi bawbag I'm outside xxxxx*

I chuckled slightly at the message. Shoving the phone back in to my pocket and turning to JB.

"James's here" I said.

He nodded and took my hand leading me down the stairs and in to the kitchen. I grabbed my keys and went outside where James was standing waiting for us. He was pleasantly suprised to see JB come out of my house and gave me that look of you must tell me everything. I gave him a smile and hug before holding JB's hand.

"So you stayed with Taylor last night?" He asked JB.

I rolled my eyes at James. Poor JB, he was subject to so many questions over the past few days that I was beginning to feel sorry for him.

"Yeah I stayed the whole weekend" JB said calmly.

"Please treat her right. She's been treated like shit by so many guys" James said to JB.

"James shut up" I yelled.

James was startled by my outburst and looked hurt. I felt guilty but he knew how I felt about my past relationships. It was a don't ask don't speak kind of situation, we never brought up my exes and we never asked about them.

"Sorry Taylor" he said quietly.

The atmosphere between us all had changed now. It might of been my fault but James should of known not to bring up my exes epically when I was around. The thought of my exes makes me want throw up everywhere. I could hear screaming in the distance and I already knew who it was going to be, my new group of friends. They were jumping around like monkeys with their butts on fire and it made me laugh.

"Hey guys" I said to them.

"Hey Taylor" They said as they enveloped me in to a group hug.

"How are we this fine Monday morning?" I asked.

"I don't even want to be here" Junior said to me.

"Same. Rather be at home" Mark said.

The bell rang out reminding us that we were here to learn something. We groaned and headed towards the concrete prison. JB still had a hold on my hand and it did feel good but weird at the same time. We stopped outside of my classroom and kissed my cheek.

"See you at lunch" he said before leaving me.

"Bye" I said.

I walked in to the classroom and sat in my seat. There was a feeling in the pit of my stomach that made me feel very uneasy like something was going to happen but I didn't know what.

It was finally lunch time and I was making my way to the table. James was already sat there and looked nervous to see me, I had to clear the air with him. I took a seat next to him and turned to face him.

"Look, I'm sorry for losing my cool this morning" I said to him.

"I'm sorry for bringing them up. I know how you hate it" he said.


"Taylor you are stuck with me" he said as he pulled me in to hug.

"Can't wait" I said pulling away and laughing.

"You guys okay now?" JB asked from beside me.

"Yeah" I said kissing his cheek.

It all started as a really normal lunch. James and I were the only ones eating as they had ''eaten'' before we came. But it all took a weird turn when BamBam gasped and his eyes widened in shock.

"Oh my god" Jackson screamed as he went over to BamBam.

"Is he okay?" James asked.

I was completely speachless. What was happening to him? I was really worried as everyone started to try and pull him out of his trance.

"James, could you go get some water please?" Yugyeom asked.

James quickly nodded and left the table. BamBam hadn't returned to his normal self yet and I was still worried. I got up and went over to him.

"What's going on with him?" I asked.

"He's having a vision. This is the worst I've seen him" Youngjae said to me.

BamBam gasped again and started to blink rapidly.

"Are you okay" I asked him.

He looked at me, his eyes wide and filled with dread like he had just witnessed something horrible. He reached for my hand and squeezed it.

"It was you. She took you and you... I think you died. Someone died but I... can't make it out" he said sounding agitated.

"You need to calm down. Take deep breaths" Jackson said to BamBam.

James returned to the table with a glass of water for BamBam. Was water going to help him? Maybe he needed blood but I didn't know where the nearest donation center was. But his words about his vision made me shiver, did he witness my death? Who took me?

BamBam began to calm down slightly and the bell rang but there was no way I was going to class. I had to find out what was going on.

"James you go. I'm going to stay with them and make sure BamBam's okay" I said.

James nodded and hugged me goodbye. I turned back to BamBam and leaned down so I was eye level with him. He looked at me with worried eyes.

"Taylor, the woman took you and someone else. One of you died but it wasn't clear. It was so real" he stuttered.

"BamBam it's okay" I said reaching for his hand. "Everything's going to be okay"

I could see everyone looking at me worried now, BamBam possibly witnessed my death but he said he wasn't sure which meant that there was a chance it wasn't mine. JB was really worried about me.

"Should we get him home?" I asked.

They all nodded and helped BamBam up and guided him to the doors. JB had a hold of my hand and holding it really tightly.

"You guys go ahead. I need to talk to Taylor" JB said guiding me away from the group.

He got me alone and looked down at me. His eyes filled with fear and dread of BamBam's vision.

"I know you're worried about me" I said to him.

"Of course I am. BamBam just had a vision of your possible death"

"Yes but he said he wasn't sure. It might not be my death" I said trying to reassuring him.

"Yes but someone is going to take you Taylor. A woman who BamBam couldn't see" he said getting more and more angry.

"Why are you so angry? Nothing bad is going to happen to me" I said.

"BamBam seen it. All of his visions come true, he has never had a vision that didn't come true. He seen me and you falling for each other and look at us. A woman is going to come and take you, I can't protect you from that" he said with tears in his eyes.

"You need to stop beating yourself up. Who says I need protecting? I can do it myself" I said.

He gave me a small smile.

"Also we still have time. Who knows when this woman is apparently going to take me" I said. "Can't we just forget about this and face it when we it comes?"

"Fine. We can discuss it another time" he said giving up the fight.

Although on the outside I was calm and collected, on the inside I was shitting myself. I didn't know if I would die but all I know is that I had to try and fight whatever it was that was coming after me.

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