Chapter 1

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"Oh my God there they are Taylor" my best friend James said slapping my arm causing a sharp pain to spread down my arm.

"Ow that hurt you dick" I said before turning in the direction he was looking.

I knew who he was talking about, the cool boys at school. They walked in almost gliding through the halls with their perfect hair and pale complexion. All the girls wanted them because well they were gorgeous, there was seven beautiful boys but I never admitted to anyone that like everyone else I was drawn to them. They didn't even have to try to look good it seemed to just come naturally to them. Everyone's eyes were on them as they made their way through the crowds, parting them like the red Sea. There was one boy in that group that caught my eye and his name was JB. For a second I thought he looked at me, he pushed his chestnut brown hair back out of his face so that I could see his brown eyes. My heart was beating out of my chest as they walked past us and out of sight. I let out a sight as I leaned against my locker running my hand through my black hair.

"Aren't they just amazing?" James said from next to me.

"They're just people James" I said nudging him. 

"You don't have an eye for good looking men" he said to me.

He was wrong and right at the same time. I had dated some right states in the past but I knew that they were beautiful and perfect but I wasn't going to admit that to him. We walked out of the school and in to the streets where everyone was walking home but I noticed the boys standing against the trees across the road. Jackson and Mark were running after each whilst the rest of them giggled at them. JB was leaning leaning against the tree with his hood up making him look mysterious.

"Come on look at them Taylor. They looks effortlessly cool" James said pushing me.

I nodded in agreement. No matter what those boys wore they looked amazing, hell they looked good when we did PE and they wore baggy sweat and white t-shirts. JB looked up from the ground and locked eyes with me, he smirked at me making my stomach twist. I gave myself a mental slap in the face and swiftly started walking down the street dragging James along with me.

"Oh can we not look for a little bit longer?" James pleaded.

"No" I said dragging him around the corner.

He sighed but didn't argue. JB'S stare was imprinted in my mind, he looked so intimidating but sweet at the same time. Something about him lured me in but I had to fight it, I couldn't act like all of the other girls. Whenever they entered any room girls just fell at their feet and did anything that they wanted them to do. I wouldn't lie, I felt the pull but I fought against it.

"So how was classes today?" James asked me going back to normal.

"Boring as per usual how bout you?"

"Same but you're lucky. You have English with JB" he said to me.

"Meh I don't really notice him" I lied. I noticed when he came in, when he sat down. Anything he did I noticed.

"Why does it feel like you're lying?" James said standing in front of me.

"I'm not lying" I lied again.

"Taylor we have been best friends for ten years now, I can tell when you're lying and right now you are lying"

"No..." I started.

"I knew it you like JB. I can tell by the way you stare at him when he walks past"

"Fine I like him big deal" I said walking around James.

"You know you guys could happen right"

"Don't be ridiculous James. JB would never go for a girl like me"

"Taylor you are gorgeous. You've got long black hair, a curvy body and a amazing personality. It's the full package"

"But JB has never went for girls who like me and anyway I don't think he does relationships"

"You could change that Taylor. Trust me on this, I saw the way he looked at you today when we left school. He was proper staring at you" James said smirking at me.

"He was probably looking at someone behind me or something" I said.

"But Taylor..."

I stopped outside of my house and turned to James.

"No buts James. JB is never going to go for me so it's just a hopeless crush that I have on him, just like a load of other girls" I said to him.

"There is no convincing you is there?"

I shook my head and hugged him. He left me outside my house and I sighed, a boy like JB would never go for a girl like me. Especially if he could have any girl he wanted, why would he settle for me? Opening the door to my house I walked in and saw my mother asleep on the couch. Her black hair covering her face as she snored gently, I creeped past her and up the stairs and in to my room. My room was a deep purple colour with a big black bed that had a purple duvet cover on it and was covered in teddy bears from my younger years. I threw myself on the bed and let out a big sigh, I couldn't get JB out of my head for some reason. His perfect face imprinted on my mind and making me lose focus on anything I did.

For the rest of the night I thought about everything James had said to me that day. Could JB like a girl like me? Sure I didn't look like the popular girls but I didn't look completely terrible. I was what I described as a cute potato. No no JB wouldn't go for a girl like me. Not in a million years.

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