Chapter 26: (Misha's POV)

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Tomorrow I'm taking Grace out to a new amusement park that is fairly close to where she lives. I've planned the whole day out, and I can't wait.

I've just finished up a comic con near Sacramento and now I'm watching the season 10 finale again because I can't wait to film season 11.

Although it's 11:00, I decide to call Grace, knowing she is probably up writing or reading.

She picks up right away and I say, "Hey Gracie! Just wanted to call to say i'll pick you up tomorrow around 10:30?"

"Yeah that's great!' she replies, and I can tell she's smiling.

"Well, see you then!" I say.

"Bye, can't wait to see you tomorrow!" she exclaims before hanging up.

I head up to my room and sprawl out on my bed, trying to get comfortably. I eventually doze off and dream about who-knows-what.

I wake up around 9:30 and jump into the shower.

When I get out, I dry off and pick out an outfit- khaki shorts and a plain blue tee shirt.

I quickly comb my hair and then, before leaving, grab my wallet and phone. 

I walk out my door then hop into my truck.

I then head to Grace's house, eager to hang out with her today. I jog up to her front door and knock a couple of times.

She answers the door a few seconds later.

"Hey!" she yells, jumping into my arms. I hug her back before greeting her parents.

"Hello!" her father exclaims, shaking my hand. I smile and give her mother a quick hug.

"I'll be taking Grace to the new amusement park they built not far from here." I say.

"That'll be great!" her mom exclaims.

I say goodbye, grab Grace's hand, and we walk back to my car.

The drive is about twenty minutes, and once we get there, we walk to the front and hand in our tickets.

First we go to an area where we find many little food shops, and the two of us head to one of them. Grace and I decide to get the same thing, a funnel cake. We quickly devour the food and scan some of the rides.

"Can we go on this one?" Grace asks, guiding me towards the intimidating  ride.

"Oh fine" I say, laughing.

We wait in line for only a few minutes, since the park is brand new.

I help Grace into one of the seats and I hop in next to her. It starts going up very slowly before suddenly jerking down a very steep hill. Grace screams and I can't help but laugh. She holds on to my arm tightly like she's going to die. I may or may not have screamed.

"It's okay, just a ride." I state calmly.

"Why did we have to go on it?" she complains, holding her stomach. She must have gotten sick from the quick movement.

"You wanted to." I retort, chuckling. She shakes her head and we ride more easy rides.

Then, we play some classic carnival games and I win her a big stuffed bear.

It was a great day.

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