Chapter 54: (Third person)

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Today is Halloween, Grace's favorite day of the year. Misha and her are dressing up as Batman and Robin, with Grace as Robin and Misha as Batman. Misha is at her house so the two of them can put together their costume.

"I AM THE NIGHT. I AM BATMAN!" Misha yells in a deep voice, similar to the one he uses in Supernatural.

"Oh my god. You're such a kid Mish." Grace replies laughing.

It's around 6:00 when Angie and Sophia arrive in their costumes. They're going as zombies and their makeup is surprisingly realistic.

"You think we're a bit too old to go trick or treating?" Grace asks.

"You're never too old for anything." Misha replies pecking her lips.

"You guys are so cute I'm gonna throw up." Angie says, giggling.

The four of them walk throughout the neighborhood, collecting loads of candy that they probably won't even eat. Sophia spots a grassy area that is illuminated by a nearby street light.

"Let's sit down over here." Angie suggests and they all walk over.

Grace pulls out a blanket from the big bag she's carrying and lies it across the ground.

"Why do you have a blanket?" Misha asks.

She just shrugs as the rest of them laugh hysterically, obviously knowing that she always overpacks.

As they sit down, a group of toddlers, with their parents, walk past us. Grace instantly stands up, up bringing the large amount of candy she received with her.

"Hey guys! You can have my candy if you want!" she generously offers the children.

The tiny and adorable little boys and girls jump up and down and cheer while taking the bag. They grab fistfuls of candy out, shoving it into their buckets. Their parents thank Grace and she returns back to her friends.

"That was sweet." Misha tells her, holding out his arms for her to lay to next to him.

He takes a moment to just look at Grace and realizes how perfect she is. And how lucky he is to have her. Misha smiles knowing this night will be just one of the very many memories he will share with her.

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