Chapter 32: (Misha's POV)

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After about five to six long, boring hours, I eventually arrive at Rome. I think it's a very beautiful place.

After looking around for a while, I take a cab to the hotel that was paid for me before-hand.

Struggling, I carry my many bags to the lobby, spotting a man sitting at the front desk. He has slicked back hair and is wearing a polo shirt, looking very professional.

"I booked room twenty eight." I say, looking at the crinkled piece of paper in my hand.

"Misha Collins, correct?" he asks, the words rolling off of his tongue. I like the accent here in Rome.

I nod, taking the keys out of the man's hand. I scan each door's number before finding mine.

Carelessly, I drop my bags on the ground, getting the keys and opening the door. The tall, wooden door clicks open and I see the room.

A large area with a king sized bed, television, small kitchen area, and a bathroom. I pick up my bags and walk in.

I jump on the comfortable bed, rolling on my side.

I quickly check my schedule to see what time the comic con is tomorrow before closing my eyes for a nap.

I wake up the next day, at about seven o'clock. Must have been tired.

Tiredly, I sit up, struggling to even get out of the bed. I go to one of my duffel bags and grab a random pair of jeans and a t-shirt and quickly get dressed.

Like I normally do, I text Grace good morning. I smooth my hair down before grabbing my phone and wallet.

As the clock hits 7:30, I'm headed out of the door. I call a cab and soon enough one comes riding up.

I hop in and shut the door, telling the driver the directions to the convention center. We get there in about ten to twenty minutes. As I walk out of the car, I hand the guy a ten dollar bill.

"Thanks." I say to him, before running up to the large building. Once I walk in, I spot Jensen, Jared, Matt, Rob, Richard, and some others from the cast.

"Where's the gay angel?" I hear Jensen ask.

"You mean gay like happy right?" I reply, jogging up to him.

"Yeah, that's what I meant." he answers sarcastically, putting his arm around my shoulder.

I laugh and the large group of us walk into the main room.

Fans won't be showing up for another half hour or so.

I go to my table, getting all my stuff ready. I have it all organized.

Pictures of myself that I autograph for fans, pens, and then some Castiel keychains that they can buy.

Some overly excited girls start walking in, heading to the first table, which is Jared's.

I smile at the memory of first meeting Grace at a place similar to this. I wish she could be here.

More people start piling in, and eventually walk towards me. For the next couple of hours, I get a ton of hugs, sign a lot of posters, and take a huge amount of pictures.

Eventually, the panel starts and fans are asked to come up for Q&A.

"This is for Misha. Is it true you have a girlfriend?" a teenaged girl asks, noticeably containing her excitement.

For a minute, I don't know what to say.
I don't want Gracie to get noticed by fans and come to her house, and then always take pictures of her when she comes out.

"Um, yes. That's true." I decide to say.

"Who is she?" I hear people yelling from the audience.

I just shake my head and laugh.
But they start chanting, "Tell us! Tell us!"

After a while it gets annoying so I just tell them.

"Okay okay...fine I'll tell you. Her name's Grace." I say.

"Grace who?" someone asks.

"Well, she's not famous or anything. Her name is Grace Howell." I sigh, regretting telling them all this information.

"Oh I follow her on Twitter!" some girl yells out, going on her phone.

Everybody crowds around her, getting Grace's username.

"Oh god." I whisper to Jensen. He just laughs and hits my arm playfully.

Grace is gonna be pretty confused the next time she goes on Twitter.

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