One; Orders!

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The book series;
Book One-Smile for us
Book Two-smile for them
Book three-Smile for everyone

Batman rises has just happened.

Blades diary!

March 20th, 2013
Age; 15

Dear diary,

I've been sitting on this seat for like ever now, we're on our way to a village in Iraq, my orders is too assassinate a girl, I don't know this girl, all I know is her father is bad, and she needs to be killed to law him out, oh I should say I'm a British military assassin, my name is blade, wanna know why, my specialty is in the blade department, I like knives, always have, my real name doesn't matter nobody would use it anyway, well like I said I'm sat here on my own, nobody likes to sit with the experiment, oh yeah you don't know, at the age of three I was taken from my family and become a military experiment, many young kids did, but only I survived, I've never had friends, not needed them since I move around a lot, anyway I'm about 5,3 not that tall I guess, my weight doesn't matter either but I am a size ten, I'm a dirty blonde, I actually hate my hair colour, I have naturally red lips, but I like to paint them red, because what girl doesn't like doing their makeup, ok loads, but still, I have blue/green eyes my eyes are quite dark due to me being an genetically modified, that means I can see things people can't see, as well as hear, not smell, God not smell, I pretty much live with men Sooooo, you can get the picture, it stinks! I wear all black with a purple bra, because they go together great, I wear black converses with purple laces, I've got these awesome socks on black the other purple, my dress if you can say that is black with a huge v neck to show my bra, it's a sports bra, I have long sleeves so I can have knives stuffed up there, I have a gold belt with my favourite knife on, I like to have my hair down but up at the same time, so I Plait the top of me hair and leave the rest to do its own thing, I have a mask to hide my identity further! Anyway wearing all that makes me feel like a superhero, but I know I'm not! I don't have much time to talk much in here anyway I've just heard we're nearly here, so I guess until next time.

The helicopter started to lower, I always get goosebumps every time this happens, I don't know why, so don't ask, I heard Steven I think his name is shout that we have landed, to me but nobody likes me because I'm dangerous! I make sure I've got my knives, like I always do and stand up check my mask is on right and make my way to the exit, but a idiot called Graham was in my way, and I don't feel like dealing with his body, so I barge past him, I heard him whisper, "bitch!", trust me if I was a bitch, I'd probably of bit his balls off for saying that but all I say is.
"hahaha I know I am, but next time say it in your head! Dick!" God that felt badass, it seems everyone else found it funny too since they all laughed and I heard one say to the others, "she's got a point!", I laugh and make my way to the village, to kill the girl!
It seemed nobody was home, or there just afraid because I'm so badass, but these girl makes the mistake of running into a building far away from me, obviously I saw the brat, she only looked around ten, I walk over that way stepping carefully just in case there's mines somewhere, luckily there wasn't I really like my legs, and I think it'll hurt otherwise. I stand at the entrance to a pale and old looking building, it's not big, biggest building in the village but not big, the tiled floor was blood stained and cracked, and the heat of this place was too much even for me.
"Come out, come out wherever you are!?" I shouted, then a young nearly innocent voice was heard.
"Go away!" I couldn't tell where it was coming from.
"why I want to be your friend!" I said just containing my laughter.
"no you don't! You wanna hurt me!".
"oh your brainy!" I whisper, "and what makes you think that!" I ask
"I know your Blade, the heartless British Assassin!".
"oh I'm not heartless!"i shouted back hurt at her comment.
"no but your soulless, your a freak, and not to mention crazy!" She cried, her words kinda hurt me.
"oh really, one I do have a soul, but you don't know me! And two I'm not a freak, I never asked for this life, and finally I'm not crazy I'm just brainy and so happen to love knives! So thank you!" I shouted almost losing my temper I wanted to go home, but where is my home!?
"your just a bully, if you don't want to live this life, then don't, you can always live your own life how you want!" She shouted, it was loud enough for me to know where she is hiding, "see look at me, my father is a terrorist, I'm not, I want peace, and I die by the likes of you for my father's actions!" She shouted crying this time!
"Well I guess that sucks!" I say in a badass tone behind her, she jumps wiping the tears away, I feel guilt looking into her big brown eyes, I don't see evil or anything but innocence in them!
"You don't have this...this life of loneliness and blood, you don't have to be the monster people see you as, live your own life!" She cried, I never saw this, she innocent! And I couldn't kill anyone innocent, but there my orders.
"you don't understand, everything about me is mutated, I'm a killing machine, my brain needs to be occupied, at all times, I'd become an out law, I can't have that!".
"my mother would know what to say to that!".
"well I don't have a mother!".
"everyone has parents!".
"no I killed mine!" I laughed.
"but...!"She stuttered.
"it was a mission, I didn't know they we're my parents! Until you know after!" I said thinking about their eyes as I slit their throats, I've thought about it for years now, it was one of my very first missions!
"but that's horrible! And that was orders!?" She asked.
"ahm nice isn't it, it was a test, to test my obedience! I passed obviously!" I'm still pissed off for that actually.
"but would you still do that if you knew?".
"I don't know, I was five know I probably would because I was terrified of the commander back then!"
"so are you going to kill me!? Because I'm innocent!".
"oh I know, I can tell, give me your hand!" I said in a stern voice.
"w...w...why!?", "just do it, or I will kill you!" I kinda feel bad for saying that, but she gave me it anyway, probably out of fear! I took my knife out my belt.
She flinched "what you doing!" She asked. "shhh" I answered, I started to make a little cut on the middle finger, ok little isn't really the right word, but it was big enough to scar and make her scream, "there!" I said admiring my work then I let go of her wrist, she was still crying and started cradling her hand "w..w..why!?".
"Now your protected unless you know you commit a crime worthy of your death by my blade!" I was expecting a thanks but she cried, "this is where you say thanks!" I added sarcastically, she just nodded I'd take that as a thanks and turned to leave.
she grabbed my arm making me stop "please remember what I said, it's your life!" She said though her tears.
"I won't forget, thanks!" I said leaving her behind, what have I just done!

Smile For Us. Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now