Thirteen; The real you!

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Listen to the real you- Three day grace while reading this (optional)

I woke up around six in the afternoon, and grab some toast, I felt like a laugh was needed to pass the time, I knocked on his wooden, slightly green office, "boss isn't here!" Said a guy in a happy mask.
"oh...I'll wait then" I said to him smiling, he left so I went in the room and looked out the window, I had only noticed that we were not even in Gotham anymore, GOTHAM! Shit people must be looking for me! Shit, shit, shitty shit shit, fuck Bruce must be going crazy, probably getting no sleep looking for me, I just wish I could tell him I'm fine! I stared at Gotham for ages I didn't even realize Jack besides me.
"doll...doll...!" He said over and over again, "Melody!" He said, I took my glaze of Gotham and looked at him, I could see through his makeup a worn out and most of all beautiful man, I didn't see scars and monstrous features just a man!
"You said my name!"
"yes I did....melody!" He smiled "how long you been in here?".
I struggled, "I dunno!".
"it's beautiful isn't it! Gotham from here, you can't see the corruption and destruction from here, that's why I like it here!" I nod with a slight smile, "what's up doll!" He asked sounding almost certain.
"nothing just thinking!".
I heard him clear his throat, "what about?". "everything...I'm surprised you haven't used my secret against me!" I said looking into his eyes. "Because you know my first name, and besides I don't want too, I'm not that bad of a man!" I laugh at his remark, "what...I'm not...Melody I'm not!" He added.
"oh I know! Do you know I used to believe from Bruces apartment Gotham was beautiful, but that all shattered one night!".
"what you mean doll!".
"I got kidnapped by scarecrow, no he didn't hurt me, but I wanted Bruce to save me, I wished he would but....Batman did not Bruce...I didn't understand he said to me Gotham doesn't work like that, citizens don't get to be heros and I know Batmans a citizen of Gotham but he's different he doesn't have anything to lose! He's as you can say free, Bruce isn't! He has his company and me to protect, he couldn't save me! So I stopped believing that Gotham could be saved, Gotham doesn't want to be saved!" I finally finish, to have a man staring at me.
"wow...doll that was....deep! But I thought you said Batman has a wife!".
"hmmm yes he does, but she's a bitch and a fucking waste of space, don't you ever wonder why Batman does what he does!?".
"yeah of course!".
"it's because he wants Gotham to change...for the better...he wants to prove to his wife he's actually someone...don't let Batman find out I told you that!".
"I'd never of thought batsy was a victim...I'll try good looking is he without the mask!".
"very...he's a funny guy when he's away from his wife! That is" I say smiling.
"why won't he leave his wife!?" Jack asked. "because believe it or not he loves her! Even though he knows she's a cheat and a liar! I've never met her but I know of her anyway...she's in trouble with the mob at the minute...that's why he's so desperate to get the mob dealers!".
"hmm interesting...I'd never think he'd be such a wimp!" He laughed.
"well that's a Gotham type love right there!" I said, he nodded.
"doll do you wanna leave?" He asked out of the blue.
"what...why would you ask that!?".
"because there's not much to do here!".
"no there isn't but I can talk to someone who understands my mind and as you said sense of humour!".
"doll I'm a bad guy!".
"says the guy who just a five minutes ago was saying he's not a bad person!".
"you know what I mean!" He said sounding so serious.
"why so serious? Sorry that just came out!" I said smiling, he didn't smile back.
"Melody please do you want to?" He asked again.
" life before was made of rules and guidelines I had to follow, it was boring, I didn't know how I was!".
"do you now?" He asked seriously.
"no but I'm starting to...that's better than before!".
"I hope you understand this life is hard!".
"but fun! I haven't stop smiling while being here and I'd take that as a good thing!" He turned to me, our faces was millimetres apart.
"good!" He whispered before moving away and going into his bedroom leaving me stood watching over Gotham!

I felt like I was being shattered into a million pieces but been built back together stronger!

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