Eleven; Game of Blades

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I finally decided I was going to have a shower, to clear my mind, I took only twenty minutes which trust me isn't long for me, I got out and found my blade uniform, that idiot did know it was me! I saw in a box my blades, I saw my favourite blade, a purple handed switch blade, I saw my black skinny jeans and purple top with a black jacket I grab that and put them on, I started on my hair I decided I'd just put them in braids, I chose to do my makeup, I had a slight winged eyeliner and I applied deep red lipstick, to finish I placed my blades on my belt before placing that round my waist and then grabbing my purple knife, and left for jacks office.

I knocked on the door, "come in!" A voice came.
"hi!" I said opening the door.
"Doll you look beautiful!" Jack said smiling towards me.
"thank you...Oh...your handsome too!" I said complementing him.
He smiled. "only when you're around, you give me a natural glow!".
"shhh stop!" I laughed.
"never doll! Come on, the sooner we start, the sooner I'll be able to be a professional at knife throwing or knife javelin!" He said brushing passed me and through the door, I followed him not really knowing where we we're going, he smiled to me as I caught up with him, he was a fast walker.
"you'd be a expect blade thrower! Not a master or an elder of blade throwing! Like me!".
"an elder?".
"an elder is someone who is an expert or Master who has had years or practice! I'm a master nearly, I still have more to learn, like Anakin Skywalker had, he had more to learn but ended turning to the dark side of the force!".
"Anakin what!?".
"star wars!".
"oh..." he sounded confused.
"do you have a knife?".
"hmm oh course doll, here!" He said getting out a bloody potato peeler knife!
"yeah why is there a problem?" He asked.
"yes actually, it's good, but it'll break once you throw it!" I said trying to be nice.
"really?" I nodded, getting out my black blade. "here you can use this for practice!".
"thanks doll!" He said taking it from my fingers.
"now do you know how to throw a knife at all!?"
"oh course doll, what do you think I am?" He said teasing me.
"show me how to hold it then, when you're throwing it!" I knew he'd get this wrong everyone does, and to my surprise he held it wrong, he held it at the handle.
"no..no...no hold it at the tip of its blade, then use get more force and it'll hit the target with the blade rather then handle!".
"you really know your blades don't you?".
"yes oh course, that's my specialty!".
"then I guess I have a good teacher then, but I believe you've got a hidden talent!".
"what do you mean?" I demanded.
"in bed!" I didn't realize I was smiling, "why ya smiling!".
"what...no I wasn't!".
"Doll I saw ya!" He start opening a door for me then closing it behind him, and walking towards a big warehouse looking building.
"I didn't....did I?".
"yes doll ya did, and you know it!".
"oh whatever!".
"this is really a nice blade!" He said admiring the blade I gave him.
"it's a hunting blade, strong, causes a lot of damage if you know how to use it!".
"well doll I know a lot of things and I know knifes can't be that hard!" He stood still smiling his Psychopath smile, I raised me eyebrows at him.
"what? You really are full of yourself! Anyway I'll show you how to start to throw the blade!" I said noticing the sandbags put out for our lesson, I took the blade in my hand, holding it at the tip, I pulled my arm back, while doing this I was calculating the distance and speed needed to sink the blade in the sandbags, I took a big breath and threw the knife hitting the sandbag dead centre!
"Wow doll, how I'm I suppose to beat that!" He said clapping his hands like a child, I laugh. "you're not!" I walked over retrieving my knife, "now Joker! Stand there!" I said pointing to the spot I was in when I threw my knife.
"sure doll!" He said moving.
"shhh!" I said, he laughed, "now listen closely, grip your knife at the tip of her blade!".
"yes, now hold her firmly and put her inline with your ear, and make sure you feel comfortable, and then throw when ready!", he nodded doing as I instructed, he threw the knife, it did hit the sandbag but it sink in too! Deeply!
"as I expected!" I whispered.
"expected what doll?".
"you're strong, and in this case too strong! You'd stop the victim bleeding out fast, and they could live then!".
"so how do I not be strong in this point!". "calculate the distance, then you'd know how hard to throw!".
"Is that what you did doll?".
"yep, here I'll show you how hard you threw compared to mine!".
I said turning my knife the way I wanted it and threw the blade,
"oh I now see the difference!" He said admiring the sandbag  "but doll I'm stronger than you, because I'm a man!".
"ha ok, take your knife out and throw it again!". "why? Aren't you going to show me how to calculate the distance shit!?".
"I want to see how strong you are!".
"but? Why?".
"just shut up if you want to keep your tongue!" I smiled.
"sure doll! You want me to do it exactly the same?" He asked I answered him by nodding, he grip the knife in the same way as before, I watch as his muscles flexed when he throw the blade I smiled at the way he put his fingers through his greasy dirty blonde/green hair, I didn't realize until Jack was in front of me that I was staring, "Doll, stop looking at me you're creeping me out!" He said for the third time, "doll! Come back to earth!".
"hmmm!" I finally say.
"Doll you we're staring! What you see something you like!" He said before breaking into a fit of laughter.
"Seul un dieu!" I said in French.
"Merci mon ange!" He replied.
"Vous n'étiez pas censé entendre que Jack!" I replied.
"je suis désolé poupée mais vous devriez dudit dans votre petite belle tête!" He said smiling to me.

Translation; French
Seul un dieu!- just a god!
Merci mon ange!- thank you Angel!
Vous n'étiez pas censé entendre que Jack!- you weren't supposed to hear that Jack!
je suis désolé, poupée mais vous devriez dudit dans votre petite belle tête!- I'm sorry doll, but you should of said it in your little beautiful head!

"I didn't know you spoke French!" I said.
"you'd be surprised at how little you know about me! Doll" he said grinning.
"oh same with me!".
"I guess I'll have to find out!".
" E cosa ti fa pensare che sarà!" I say in Italian. " Sto prendendo che come una sfida!" He replied.
" Gioco su , ma io non sono l'unico a rivelare i loro segreti , ancora voglia di giocare?".
" bambola, ho giocato tutti insieme!" He said before turning to collect the knife.

Translation; Italian
E cosa ti fa pensare che sarà!- And what makes you think that will be!
Sto prendendo che come una sfida!-I'm taking it as a challenge!
Gioco su, ma io non sono l'unico a rivelare i loro segreti, ancora voglia di giocare?- Game on, but I'm not the only one to reveal their secrets, still want to play?
bambola, ho giocato tutti insieme!- Doll, I played all together!

We finished our lesson, and we returned to his office laughing, he had accidentally cut his finger, he did insist on it being fine, then I replied saying that only I know how I clean my blades and that it's better to get it cleaned! He finally agreed and that's pretty much where we are!

Jokers/jacks P.O.V.

"I can't believe you cut yourself!" She said smiling, it was a smile of pure fun.
"Only for you doll!" I replied playfully.
"what you mean!?".
"I mean you get to play nurse and fix me all better!".
"oh Jack if I wanted to play nurse, your organs would be on your desk! Trust me I'm not playing nurse!" She replied, I kinda hope she'd dress up in a nurse costume for me, for the sexy not the practical side! She just about finished cleaning my cut when she started laughing.
"what's the matter!?" I ask smiling.
"it's just I'd never of thought I'd be sat here cleaning a damn cut let alone yours!".
"Doll can I ask you a question?" She looked at me almost questioning me.
"s...sure!" Ha she stuttered, I knew she wasn't sure of my morals.
"Doll when I kidnapped you, you wasn't afraid much!" She started to protest, "shh doll listen, you almost looked like you wanted it, and then when you woke up you wasn't afraid again! In fact I haven't seen you afraid of me at all, I've only seen you afraid when you nearly bloody killed me...why doll?" I asked, this had been on my mind mostly all night and for sure all day. "you're not as scary as you think, I also feel happier around you because you make me laugh, and I don't know why, ya just do!".
"is it the scars?" I asked mocking her.
"Jack grow up!" She said trying to sound serious, which failed, I studied her face making her laugh.
"Doll I've got another question!".
"sure, shoot, go ahead, get in there...okay not the last part!" I laughed, she was so awkward and it makes me feel saner near her.
"hahaha why so serious, I was gonna say that but ya reined it!".
"don't I always!".
"ha...don't...you!" I said slowly, I didn't realize but our faces were touching, then she kissed me, I didn't kiss her, she did and it was amazing, half the way through she allowed me to control the kissing, I felt her tense under my touch, her fingers were laced in my hair, I felt her heart beat through her shirt, I pulled her closer to me, sealing our body's together, we become one! It couldn't end, it wouldn't end but somehow it did and I don't know how but I was sitting in my office alone, lips numb, she must've left at some point!
Or maybe she was never there I can no longer trust my mind! It's unpredictable just like her.

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