Seven; Party pooper!

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So I've been sat in this chair for about an hour and I'm fucking pissed off, the fucking hair dresser is boring me! And for the record I don't swear a lot, usual if I'm annoyed or fed up, anyway I've had my makeup done, the makeup artist got annoyed when it came to my nose ring! I laughed at it, and I've finally had my hair finished! And I've got to get dressed in a long red silk dress which may I add it hugs my figure nicely! I just feel like a angel my hair is curled partly up making my face seem sharper, I finish admiring myself in the mirror after I finish getting dressed, except for my heels I don't have them on yet, "oh wow, God you may look better than me!".
"Bruce you look handsome as always! And I'm not the big shot, I'm i, I'm not you or Dent!".
"no but your my daughter, and your going to have competition with Rachel I think, for as long as I can remember Rachel has always tried to outshine other people, she maybe losing her crown!" He smiled, I really did admire this man!
"Bruce did I tell you? your amazing!"
"once or twice!" He laughed, "Come on...Princess!" He was teasing me as per usual, but I followed him, I didn't know that the party had begun, "I've got to go and pick up...umm...Oh god you know that Brown haired woman, tall...".
"I know...go!" I said, he kissed my cheek, smiled and left, he didn't come back until about seven which is one hours later, and when he did he turned up in our bloody helicopter, he was trying to show he's the richest man here and he knew it! I smiled at him as he waved at me, he had bloody Katy the German supermodel! I disliked her, she believes she's the queen of everything, she's beautiful but a bitch! And he had too other girls I think they were the bitches friends.
The party went on for so long and I had done with Socializing with people, believe it or not but I don't like people really!
I was looking for Rachel and Harvey when I heard a gun shot, "good evening lady's and gentlemen...we are tonight's entertainment!" A second passes by when everyone went silent, "where is Harvey dent!?" The man who said it started going around the room asking questions, "do you know where Harvey you!?" Then after, "do you know where I can find Harvey, about something little, just something, little!" He said grabbing a mans face and turning away, I saw that much, but the man noticed me, it was the Joker, I know I said I wanted to meet him but this felt to soon, "you know, I'll settle for his loved ones!" He said turning to another man.
"we're not intimidated by thugs!" The man said to the Joker.
I got tapped on the shoulder by Alfred, "miss go to your room please, I won't allow you to get hurt!" He whispered I wanted to stay but I choose to go since his voice sounded genuinely concerned, I wonder where Bruce is?
"you know you remind me of my father...I hated my father!" And that was the last I heard of the party, I headed for my room, unfortunately I had to go the back way and it was the other side of the apartment! And that was because bloody joker and his little clown things were in the reception so I couldn't exactly go up the grand staircase.
I got up the stairs and started walking to my room trying to be quiet, I heard glass break and a scream, then a hysterical laugh, the laugh made me trip over something and make a slight noise, 'shit, fuck shhhhhh shit I hope no one heard that!' I thought I eventually got up and started tip toeing to my room again when I felt a hot breath and a cold knife on my neck, "hi doll, whatcha doing, your missing the party!" A man whispered in my ear.
I try to calm myself, why I'm I so scared of a blade, my fucking specialty is knives! "I'm tired, the parties boring anyway so I'm going to bed!" I say.
I could feel him smile, "oh but doll the parties just begun!".
"did you not just hear me, I'm tired!" That's not actually a lie!
"Do you want me to join!?" God he sounded so serious.
"I think I'm fine, but thanks for the offer!" I say smiling.
"doll your smiling...why!?".
"because it's funny!".
"what's funny?".
"you! Do you really think I'm afraid because your holding a fucking knife to my throat! I actually like knives, do you wanna see mine!?" I say smiling, haha it's funny I could of been afraid of a knife for second.
"oh but doll that sounds....wonderful! And sexual!" He whispered into my left ear, which I have my piecing in.
"ha it was meant too!".
"doll you move so quick!".
"I've been told!" That's not lying either, I'm a virgin but it's still not lying.
"oh...well...I'm speechless!" He said turning me around and pressing me against the wall closest to us.
"no one's ever said that to me before!".
"I'm not anyone though, but I really I'm tired, and I'm sure you can let yourself leave please!" I demanded.
"doll I thought we were getting somewhere!" He smiled.
"the only place you'll be getting with me is a kick in the know if you have any!" I laugh this time making him smile further.
"doll haven't you ever been taught that, that's not nice! I just I'll have to show you!".
"I'm alright, and presides I wasn't trying to be nice, learn to take a threat!" I say looking him in the eyes.
"doll I don't think you can do anything to me really, except tell me where Harvey Dent is...or you know...take me too your room because..." he smiled, "...I'm tired uh too!" He lied.
"one I don't know where little Harvey is or My father for that matter, and two you aren't going to come into my bed with me, finally I'm stronger than you'd think!" I really wasn't lying about any of them.
"doll I've got an idea!".
"hmm I'm listening!".
"doll you could show me that...strength in your bedroom, after you tell me where Mr Dent is! Hmm sound good?".
"hmmm great plan but I've got a better one, it involves you getting the Fuck out my house and leaving...I'm too tired for your bull shit!"
He nods and smiles, I blink and his face is centimetres from my face, almost looking into my soul, "Language doll, and I don't think I want to leave yet!".
"well you will....eventually!".
"oh but'd be coming with me!". "fine...but you'd regret that later!" I say as calmly and stern as I could in these substances, he laughed, licking his lips.
"I'd take that chance!" And next he hit me in the head with a gun, where the Fuck did the gun come from! I went weak at the knees and then I was over The jokers shoulder he was carrying me, well this night turned out the way that was sarcasm I really wanted to go to sleep but not this! God I swear men don't listen!

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