Ten; In your sleepless nights

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I've been lying in bed for nearly an hour it's two in the afternoon, sleep just doesn't seem to arrive, thoughts fly around my mind, 'Jack' that's all it seems to be saying, get up and curl up on the floor, that always seems to help me, it's weird I know, but I did get to sleep, why didn't I do it earlier!

I was laying on the cold, hard floor when I woke up, I was still in the same position I'd fallen asleep except for my arm which was kinda pointing to the chair in the corner of the room, "ouch!" I said sitting up, I rubbed my eyes, "I know you're there!" I say looking towards the chair.
"how!?" Jack asked getting up and moved slowly towards me.
"Improved version remember...and I could hear you breathing!" I replied yawning.
"hmmm right...you want a hand up?" He asked.
"sure!" I say putting my hand in his, his hands were soft but strong, he pulled me up, "thanks!" I say nervously, pulling my hand away from him.
"why you on the floor doll?", I smiled slightly. "couldn't sleep so I laid on the floor, and well ended up asleep!" I stretched.
"oh, what ya dream about?" He asked smiling. "nothing!" I don't remember having a dream actually.
"really doll because you said my name like twenty times!".
"what...twenty...your lying!" I said looking at him questionably.
"okay doll you said it once, but that was enough for me! Dream about me doll?".
I shook my head, "I don't remember and that's the truth!", he smiled as if to say I don't believe you.
"you hungry doll?" Changing the subject again. "umm little bit, I don't eat much this time of year!".
"oh okay!" He said rolling his eyes, he licked his lips before smiling, "it was a simple question, are you hungry or not!".
I smile, "yes I am!".
he smiled, "follow me...princess!".
"don't if you wanna keep your tongue!" I replied, he took me down to a kitchen, it was fairly clean, well cleaner then expected.
"do you want toast or waffles?" He asked. "umm waffles please!".
"you don't need manners here doll!".
"Yes but manners don't cost anything so use them!".
"Alfred teach you that?" He asked turning to me.
"n..no actually a woman named Christian! I met her in Mexico!" I say almost mockery. "hmm I've never been to Mexico!".
"I'll tell you hot in the day, colder at night!". "hmm interesting! Do you wanna show me that knife trick you did earlier, nearly killing me!". "sure, depends on whether you've got patience! Because if you don't, well you'll never be able to do it!" I say smiling to him.
he smiled back, "it can't be that hard!".
"you carry on believing that, when you try to move a knife even a inch once it leaves you hand! But yeah it Sooooo easy!" I say sarcastically.
"when you put it that way....!".
"I'm sure with practice you could just about get it, not as good as me, but get it!" I say encouragingly.
"thanks doll!" I smile to him as our waffles pop out the toaster, "there you go doll! Golden syrup?" I nod as he passed me the syrup and plate, I start squeezing the syrup on.
"what?" I say looking at him.
"Doll you sure you wanna be putting that much syrup on!?" I look at my plate, I haven't even covered all my waffles yet.
"whatcha mean?".
"do you know how many calories are in golden syrup!".
"yeah, do I look bothered!".
"you're funny!".
"yep" I said taking a bite from my waffle, the flavour exploding in my mouth, wow these we're good.
"Doll you want a shower, I know kinda how women work!".
"how do you know I haven't got a dick!".
He raised his eyebrows before laughing, "doll if you did, I think we'd need to talk about how a man can be so feminine but so beautiful and not to mention scary!" He laughed after saying that, did he just call me beautiful!?
"Well then you've never met a gay man and scary? Hmmm I hope you keep that in mind!". "why?".
"because if we argue you know that I'll kick your ass!".
he smiled "ahahahaha of course doll, do you want one?".
"I could use one but I did have a shower yesterday! So".
"but your a woman...with a apparent dick!  don't you get a wash everyday?".
"wash everyday, shower no, it makes your hair greasy because it washes away your natural oils that keeps your hair clean!".
"oh I didn't know that!".
"now you do!".
"some of your clothes are in the wardrobe in your room! And so is your makeup if you want! Wait actually the makeup is in the bathroom in your room!".
"come to my office when you're finished!" I nod to him and finish my waffles and make my way up to my room, there was something homily about this place, as I walking jokers men quite going quiet when they saw me almost as if they we're talking about me, it reminded me off when I was younger and was a assassin! I kinda missed that.

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