Two; Escape

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I began to walk back to the plane when I heard an evil laugh, almost predatory.
"well...well it seems our little experiment here isn't so scary!" I turned round to see a man holding a knife to the girl I just saveds throat, does he know how rude that is!
"I hate it when people call me an experiment!" I say kicking him in the face causing him to drop the knife, I wink at the girl and turn to the man, "I'd say it's time to have fun! Don't you!?" I asked, he just laughs trying to reach his knife, "oh you want your little knife, trust me honey you've got a shit knife, now you see this is a great knife!" I said grabbing my knife from my belt, "you know your boring, so I'm going to leave you to bleed out because!" I stabbed him in the leg, "why not!" I start laughing non stop, I had to grab my sides in the end, I turn to the girl and said, "see I told you, now go before you get hurt further!" I smiled.
"bye!" She said, I smiled and turn away, what had I just done, I allowed my mission to get away and worse I saved her. I'm in deep for this!
The men were about ten minutes later then me, since they had there own job to do, once they saw me covered in the blood of that man, they went pale, probably thinking I killed the girl it made me laugh.
"don't worry I didn't kill the girl!" I said still laughing.
"then who!?" Asked someone I didn't know, I think he's name is Jack?
"A mans, he got in my way!" That was it no one else spoke during the trip back to base, I don't know why, I'm not that bad! Am I?
"Blade!" The commander called, I stood up gave his secretary an evil look God she annoys me with her little squeaky voice, and made my way into his office.
"yes!" I say sarcastically.
"sit!" He said pointing to the chair.
"sure why not!" I said taking a seat, I sat down on the cold, hard leather seat.
"I don't want to hear your excuses, why didn't you do as instructed!?" He asked looking me with his cold and hard eyes.
"because she's innocent!".
"does it matter!?".
"yes actually it does, I'm not your fucking pet...I will not become something I don't wanna become!".
"your not a damn pet! grow up you know once I tell the CEO you will be eliminated!". "yep, I know!".
"and you don't seem bothered!".
"because I'd like to see them try!" I started smiling.
"your not invincible, so stop acting like take this and leave!" He said handing me a brown envelop.
"what is this!?".
"something to help you with...going off the grid, my good friend Alfred will help you! Now go, the instructions are inside!".
"b...b...but why!?".
"it would seem young lady you've made an impression on me!".
"thanks I guess!" I said turning and leaving his office, I had to wait until I was alone in my bedroom to open the envelop.

-Take everything you will need and want to take with you.
-then at midnight tonight go south all the way to the nearest village.
-then when you see a black helicopter get into it, you should see a older man with a English accent, he's Alfred.
-he will take you to a abandoned airfield, you will meet Mr Wayne there too, then you are to go to America, mainly Gotham, where Alfred and Mr Wayne will take care of you.

Your name is Melody, Melody Mars.

Good luck and remember be careful!

The instructions were start forward not that I struggle with hard work, hell you should see me I'm not exactly unfit, I followed all the orders, and I waited until midnight.
11:55, Right I'd better leave, I grabbed my stuff and made my way over the back fence, in the process I got a few cuts but nothing to bad I made my way south, it took about twenty minutes to walk to the village, the place was inhibited but still creepy. "Hurry up....please!" I whispered just as I heard a helicopter coming I couldn't tell if it was black or not, but it landed not far from me, a old man opened the door and smiled, I couldn't hear him, even with my hearing so I walked over then I heard his accent it was a posh British one.
"hello I'm Alfred, come on in, we'd better go before someone notices your fine madam!", I nodded and got in, I took a sit as Alfred closed the door and sat back, he shouted to the pilot to go, I'll tell you this, this helicopter can move, I stared out at the night sky, I felt I sudden feel of freedom, and I like it, a lot.
Before I realized it we was at a abandoned airfield, and there was a big black plane waiting.
"madam we're here", I nod, he smiles back to me, I smiled back, then someone opened the door.
"Alfred, and you must be Melody?" A man asked.
I cleared my throat and answered, "yes, I am!". "you look shattered, no a fence!".
"none taken!" I smiled.
"come on, we better be going!" I nod and jump out the helicopter and follow Alfred and the man to the plane, the man's quite handsome actually, in a tall, mysterious way.
"so I've been told that you're a assassin!?".
"yes I am, a genetically modified one at that!". "yes I've been told, I'm Bruce by the way, Bruce Wayne!".
"oh your Mr Wayne, multi billionaire, bachelor and quite one with the ladys!".
"oh you did a background check on me?".
"oh course, I wouldn't leave without knowing who you were, you could be a mass murderer! Well actually I probably would, but you'd find yourself dead...probably! I'm handy with knives!", I say taking my first step on the planes boarding stairs.
"Alfreds told me that too, is Melody Mars your real name?".
"hmm yes it is my parents were big fans of music, my parents were called Richard and Catherine Mars!".
"and where are your parents?".
"dead! I killed them without knowing there my parents!".
"I know it's bad but it was a mission and I didn't know them!" I explained entering the plane, a sea of cream and leather flooded my eyes it smelt of fresh cotton and lavender. "that's got to be hard!".
"oh it is!" I yawned.
"oh you must be tired, here follow me" he said showing me into a little room with a bed in it was cosy, "I hope this is ok!?" He said nervously.
"yes, thank you!" I said smiling, he nodded and left me, I started getting undressed when I heard the engines start, 'here we go!' I thought.

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