Chapter 1

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I turned around and sat on the bed. We were kidnapped and bought to this dolls house to be the perfect girls.

So many questions ran through my mind.

Who was that girl? Why was she here? How long has she been here? Would I be here forever? Could I escape?

I walked over to the door in my bedroom to check if it was open and by no surprise it was locked. I had a look around my room. I didn't want to call it my room because it wasn't my room just A room.

Firstly I noticed another door which was unlocked. It led to a small bathroom however it had a huge mirror and large bath with all the shower and bath products you could imagine.

I walked back into my bedroom and saw a large vanity. It had lights around the mirror and two draws. I opened the draws and noticed a lifetime supply of makeup products. Then I noticed there were multiple of the same products all in the same colour. Did I have a specific look I had to achieve? I had multiple blue eye shadows, nude colour lipsticks and sparkly blue eyeliner.

I also found a few bottles of the same perfume. I sprayed a little on my wrist and took a sniff. It was extremely strong. It even made me cough a little. If we were in the shop I would not have picked this one, I would have picked any other one but this.

I noticed a diffuser in the vanity and took a sniff of that which smelt so fresh. All the time I couldn't take my mind off how strange this whole situation was.

Then I remembered what the girl had said- there were cameras. Instantly I flittered around my room trying to spy out the cameras, they were almost invisible to human eye. I couldn't see any at all but I knew they were there.

Just as I was scouting around my room I heard a voice echo over my room. It sounded like the lady who does announcements at train stations, her sweet innocent voice spoke to me even though I knew she was going to say something pretty sinister and dark.

"Open your door, walk to your left down the corridor and enter the room before you."

I stood still, I hadn't got a clue what to do, I was scared.

"Open your door, walk to your left down the corridor and enter the room before you,"

Reluctantly, I began to walk down the corridor. It was plain white walls- almost like a prison. Like? This was a prison, I knew there was no escaping. I looked down the corridor and could see multiple doors, there were about 12 in total and each one had a number on. As I approached the end of the corridor I came across a big sinister looking grey door. It frightened me what lay before it.

"Enter," the voice said.

I placed my hand on the door and pushed it shakily. I was greeted by a dark room.

"Enter," the voice said again.

I stepped inside and immediately was grabbed by two pairs of arms one on each arm of mine.

It took me by surprise but I had no time to think as I was just dragged along.

We got deeper and deeper into the room when one of the sets of arms went round my waist and the other grabbed my ankles. They lifted me onto a cold metal surface where I lay still shaking.

They restrained my ankles and hands so I couldn't try to run. Then a spotlight came onto me as though something out of a horror movie was taking place.

Then I saw 4 people wearing white masks and white doctors coats which really scared me. What was going on?

It all then went black.

I don't know how long I was out for but I woke up back on the table but this time I had shorts and a vest top on.

After about five minutes of shivering and silent tears, the four people came back.

Two of them began waxing my legs and the other two began waxing my arms. The pain was immense and I was so curious as to why they were doing this.

Then they painted my toenails and my finger nails I couldn't see what colour though.

Next two of them held open each eye while the other two inserted a contact lense into each eye. I had never worn contacts before but I knew it felt so strange to have them put in. I was experiencing this now.

Then all four of them lifted me into a chair which looked like large spinning chair. They put the restraints on again and spun me around to face a table of equipment.

Instantly I knew what they were about to do.

They began to cut and die my hair. I hadn't a clue what they were doing but I was really scared. One of them injected something in my arm which caught me by surprise and once again I was out like a light.

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