Chapter 28

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I turned over in my bed. I wasn't too comfy on the one side so I swapped as your do. As I rolled over I felt a shooting pain in my back. I shot up and propped myself up on my arms.

Just then I remembered what happened. And I cried. And cried. I couldn't stop.

I was the only one left in this place. They all escaped, Bailey, Calum, Sarah, all of them. They wouldn't come back to save me- they wouldn't want to tangle them selves up in this mess again.

I was all alone. And going to be in a lot of trouble.

My back hurt like hell. I presumed it was another strike. I turned round in my bed and sat up as I placed my feet on the floor I felt a striking pain up my left leg. As I looked at it, it was covered in bruises. It was black and purple, it even had a few cuts. My left arm looked the same. So did my left side.

I remembered lying on the floor as he hit me and beat me. I must have protected my right side.

I clambered to the floor, walking hurt too much. I dragged myself along to my mirror. Wincing in the pain as I went along I finally made it and took a good glance at my back.

Instead of seeing another strike, I saw something unusual. It was just a large black box filling my back. I guessed this means I was a lot worse than a strike. It merged in the other two strikes and filled all of my skin. It was red raw around the edges and still painful.

I clambered back to my bed and lay on my right side as that side didn't hurt quite as much. I continued to cry.

There was no way I was getting out of this place. I was going to die here. Painfully and slowly.

I lay there silent. The only noise I could here was my breath softly crying and the occasional sniffle. My pillow had a little wet patch where the tears had fell and my face felt damp.

My body ached and the pain was immense. I had lost most the feeling in my right side. I squeezed the duvet in anger only to cause more pain in my back. I decided to just lye there and dream.

I once read a book about a girl who was in a bad relationship. A bit like mine. She struggled for years. In the end she ran away. Far away to the other side of the country. She took his car and his money.

The police were called once she was free but the man got off. It ended and he was still out there seeking his revenge.

Thinking about the other girls I was curious if anyone was looking for them from the living dollhouse. Were they trying to hunt them down? Or were they all focused on taking their anger out on me?

Even if I did escape I would never feel safe or free. I would never feel as though I could be myself again.

I just wanted to be Kim. The one I could remember. The Kim who would have a kick about on the field with her friends or would break personal records seeing how fast she could eat 20 chicken nuggets. The Kim who would dance around her room to twenty one pilots one day and five seconds of summer the next. I couldn't remember her.

That Kim was a distant memory. After all I would never be Kim again. Only Ellie.

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