Chapter 23

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I awoke in "my room" again and felt an aching burning sensation in my back. I tried to remember the events of yesterday (or at least I thought it was yesterday) but the pain was to immense.

I knew what this was. A strike. And I was getting closer to five.

Five strikes and your out.

I didn't feel in the mood to go to the recreation room. I felt as though I had let everyone down. I ruined the plan and now we were going to have to make a new one because of me.

I sat in my room and began to try and piece together my previous life.

I wanted to begin with joes surname. The surname I would one day own.

I knew it began with a B. I began naming as many things in my head as I could.




Ball sounded familiar but it wasn't just Joe ball. That wasn't right.



Joe ballinger.

I felt as though I had finally achieved something.

One day when I escaped this place I would be Kim ballinger. That would be if he still wanted me.

The though struck me about what if he didn't want me anymore? What if he and the rest of the outside world had given up on me?

Would they even remember me?

I got a bit upset and headed to my bathroom so I could cry it out. If I was at home I would blame all the emotion on my hormones and things but this time it wasn't. I was truly overwhelmed with negative emotion.

Not one thing in my current life was positive.

After all I was only two strikes from the end of it.

Mega short chapter I'm sorry, I just wondered which way everyone wants the story to go. Do you want her to escape, to fall in love with Craig or possibly another of the boys? Do you want one of the boys to help them escape?

I appreciate all the reads, votes and comments I get so thank you all so much. I hope you are enjoying my book.

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