Chapter 6

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I awoke once again in my blue room. That was when I remembered last night - the pictures. I was curious as to why I had so many pictures taken. I mean there was no reason for me to be in pictures when I had already been paired. I tried to put it to the back of my mind.

I looked at the time and it was ten o'clock my lunch call was around 12:50. I decided to slowly get up and get ready for lunch. The same thing I did everyday.

I climbed in the shower and washed my hair. I dried my hair then decided to curl it. When I curled it I noticed my blue strand was visible.

I hated that blue section of hair because it made me feel like a possession. Almost as though that strand was my price tag. I also hated my strike. It was a huge unmissable tattoo that was almost impossible to cover up. It made me realise I was just a doll.

I did my makeup and put on my dress. By this time it was only 12 o'clock so I decided I had time to read some more. It was the only thing I could really do. I walked over to my bookshelf and picked up a book called trust.

It was about a girl who got kidnapped. She began to trust her kidnapper and they built a relationship. However her kidnapped betrayed her yet she still had Stockholm syndrome. She managed to escape but she never looked at life the same way again.

Just as I was midway through a page the voice rang out once again instructing me to go to the dining hall as usual. I still laughed at how it was called a hall even though there was only one table and two chairs. I slipped on my blue heels and made my way.

The one thing I refused was glitter, I would tolerate the rest but no glitter. The only glitter I would allow is my eyeliner.

I waited as usual outside the hall next to rooms one and two. I always wondered who was on the other side. The voice had stopped directing me to the hall and date room because I knew my way now.

I entered as instructed and stood on joes arrival. He walked in looking like a different person. His usual beaming smile was replaced with a solemn look. His tall smart posture was replaced with one who looked like he had lost all hope.

"Hey Joe, are you ok?" I asked.

"I need to tell you something," he said.

My heart began racing, what would happen to me or him?

"What is it?" I questioned trying to remain calm.

"Promise you will still love me and forgive me?"

"I don't know Joe," I murmured.

"No please Kim," he begged.


"I had to make a choice," he sighed, "you're going back up for sale tomorrow, I'm selling you."

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