Chapter 13

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"Come on where do you want to go. Anywhere"

"Joe, I don't mind I'm just happy to be with you!" I giggled.

"Ok, how about we go to the Madison?" He suggested.

"No way!" I screamed. The Madison was the poshest restaurant around. You had to book four months in advance to even get a reservation.

"Yes way," he laughed as I engulfed him in a hug.

"You are unreal!" I shouted in excitement.

"I love you Kim, now go get ready quick- our table is booked for half an hour time!"

I ran upstairs and began digging through my wardrobe quickly. I came across a blue dress. It was like a skater dress but a bit more dressy than usual ones. I slipped on a pair of blue flats and a necklace Joe had given me on our first date. I slipped my hair into a side braid and took a glance at myself in the mirror. I felt special.

I hurried downstairs to Joe ready to go. "Wow," he exclaimed as he watched me stumble down the stairs.

"Elegant right?" I joked sarcastically as I tripped down the stairs.

"You might not be elegant but your perfect," he smiled.

"Thank you," I engulfed him in a massive hug, so tight he could barely breathe. As he hugged back I took a moment to feel safe in his arms.

"Come on then, I've called a taxi, it should be here any second," he held out his arm for me "Madame?"

"Certainly," I laughed as we pretended to be posh (we were far from it,).

We climbed into the taxi and made our way to the restaurant. Once we arrived we stepped inside and waited in the porch area. I could see a staircase leading to an upstairs area and a door leading off into the main entrance.

"Table under the name of Lee?" He said.

"Right this way, you specially requested the rooftop terrace is that right?"

"That is correct," he said.

I gasped. I was so excited and I couldn't believe Joe had put in so much effort for me. I felt like a princess.

We made our way up the staircase and onto the roof. I was aghast at the sight. You had a perfect view of the whole city, the sky was lit by stars and fairy lights hung around the terrace. It was magical.

Our table was neatly laid out with napkins, cutlery and wine glasses. Joe held out my chair for me like a gentleman would and I sat down.

A waiter came up to us and offered us a glass of wine of which we both accepted. I was still astounded by the place.

"What would you like to eat?" The waiter asked me.

"Please could I just have the salad," I asked.

"No!" Joe interrupted, "we have come o the poshest restaurant around and you want salad?" He looked at the waiter,"please may we have two of what ever the chef recommends- don't looks at the price,"

"Certainly," the waiter smiled and walked away.

"Joe you haven't got the money,"

"Kim, I need to tell you something, there is a reason we are here tonight."

"Go ahead, as long as it's not bad news," I smiled. He didn't smile too.

"I'm moving away for a while, I'm going to America, to study at a university there. It's going to be a whole new life for me, but it's the only option I have. I'm going to miss you loads and I wanted our last night to be special. We will keep in touch obviously because I couldn't live without you. I don't want you to stop loving though, carry on without me. Meet new people and make new friends, find someone who makes you feel like a princess because waiting on me is going to be a long few years, possibly more."

Emotions bubbled up inside of me. I didn't know wether to cry, smile or just hug him. I think he could tell this by the way he grabbed my hand and held it tight.

"For not though Kim, lets not make this a sad time, lets enjoy it! I want you to remember all the good things and not miss me too much."

"I love you Joe," I smiled as my eyes began to well up.

"I love you too, now make sure you keep me up to date on what's going on here, send me loads of pictures that you have taken and pictures of you - being happy. Also on Saturday come to the airport to see me off, I want to see you happy when I leave."

"I will," I smiled.

The date ended and the night was over.

The next day when I was walking home from school I stopped in the park to take some pictures and then arrived home only to later realise mom was drinking. I decided to take a walk and my life ended.

I was kidnapped.

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