Proper Royal

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I sat at the table in his, rather small house. I played with my thumbs inpatiently as he got out the letter my father sent him, maybe, three weeks before the fire.. He came back and set the letter down.

"Here... read this..." He said as he sat down and slid the letter toward me. I quickly grabbed it and started reading.

"Dear Damian, son of Kairin. Second in line to the throne of the royal pack." Yep, that's my dad. Over doing the formalities...

"I've heard word of your brother planning something against the crown of the southern Me~Fa. Aka, my family. Please keep an eye on him. If he does make a move, take my eldest daughter. Amanda Young, the girl you used to play with in the feilds. Take her under your wing and train her to be a good leader and an amazing fighter.

P.S. She is a little stubborn... just make sure she's save.." I leaned back in my chair as I read this.. I didn't know what to think...

"Does that make this a little more understandable?..." Damian says as I put the letter softly back onto the table.

"... Allot actually.... I still want to know why he didn't want you to save my little sister tho...." I ask, looking up at him, curiosity felled my eyes.

"He knew I'd only have enough time to save one person.. and your more mature, your little sister would have made it two days then started asking to go home... plus, a kingdom can't go to long without a ruler... her being a toddler wouldn't be good for your kingdom.." He explained, trying to get me to understand..

"I don't understand......" I blurted out quietly. Still confused.. He sighs.

"I'm going to explain this as simply as I possibly can. It's like babysitting, the younger you are, the worse your gonna be at it. But the more experience you have, the better. That's one of the reasons why I want you to help rule the werewolfs, if I win that fight tomorrow, before I send you back." He trys to explain again..- Wait what?!

"YOUR GOING TO HAVE ME, A ME~FA, HELP YOU RULE A, WEREWOLF, KINGDOM FOR 'EXPERIENCE'?!?!!!?!??!" I shouted in shock. He just sat there like there wasn't a difference between the two races.

"Yeah, it's not that different. Just werewolfs tend to have more problems with fights and such. Get used to this and ruling a Me~Fa kingdom will be a breeze." He said, leaning back in his chair and rested his feet on the table. He has a point.. I glared at his feet and flicked them off.

"Maybe I'm the one that hast to train you to be a proper royal." I grumbled. He just chuckled a bit.

"Nah, we can save the formalities for if I become Alpha. If I do, go ahead train me to be a proper royal and I'll train you how to lead like one." He smiles and winks at me. I blush a little. He smiles bigger and leans in toward me. "Which for the time being kinda makes you my queen." I go completely red.

Oh lord please help my soul....

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