chapter eleven: sonic!!! no!!!

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(Normal POV)

Shadow pushing little maria in a stroller(they named the baby maria for shadows sake)and sonic was focused on the baby's cute little feet. "I love you shadz!" Sonic was blushing. "I love you more!" Shadow admitted. They continued to walk.....shadow then saw a quite familiar hedgehog.....maria.........................."m-maria is that really y-y-you!?" He was now crying and fell to his knees when he saw maria look at him. "Sh-shadow?" Maria is crying now as well.

Sonic knew who she was from shadows stories, but never asked about her much. Shadow hugged maria tightly "where have you been!?" He asked her. "Looking for y-you!" She replied softly and shaky.

???: there can only be one!!! *bang*
"Sonic!!" Shadow went to the dying azure hedgehog. "Sh-shadz! Hospi-ta hospi- hospital!" Shadow calls an abulence to get the three hedgehogs.
Maria sits next to shadow in the writing room. The doctor walks out and nods his head....."he is very injured" the doctor said. "C-can I see him!?" Shadow said. (For all of you who think the baby is out there stranded in the park....shadow had rouge pick her up and babysit her) the doctor nodded (yes) and brought shadow to sonics room.

"H-hey hero boy!" Sonic said. Shadow started to cry "hey blue!" Shadow was fighting his tears. "Ya know.....hero's can cry too!" Sonic said. "Y-yeah!" Shadow let the tears out......"you had me worried sick sonikku!!! I thought you were dead!!!" Shadow hugged sonic softly. "Err...where is maria?" Sonic asked. "She's in the waiting room" shadow informed him. "Can I talk to her.....?" Sonic was weakly talking...."yeah I'll go get her!" Shadow went and got maria.


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