Date Night.

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Jake's cheeks were hot, I might or might not be exaggerating, but they were as hot as soup that was recently made. I let a small chuckle out, he was so adorably embarrassed. When my lips touched his cheek, I could instantly feel the heat. I pulled away from his cheek and looked down.

"What was that for?" Jake asked in a happy voice.

"You're an amazing friend, you make me happy!"

"Well I know, I do the best I can but you didn't have to put garlic on my cheek!"

"You're the one who put garlic on my nose," I said, punching his upper arm. Which I should add, was very strong.

"But you weren't listening to me," he said.

"Oh poor Jake wants the center of attention." I faked crying and a frown.

"Whatever Danielle," he said. He took a bite off his breadstick and chewed on it. I did the same and ate the spaghetti and salad.

"We should go do my makeup now," I suggested.

We raced to the makeup room and got ready. Jake made me sit down as he grabbed some makeup. He started doing my makeup, taking his time. After the final swipe of lipstick, he finished my makeup and went right to hair. He made bouncy waves, close to curls and let my hair down. Once I checked myself in the mirror, I felt confident and couldn't wait till the date. It was 5 o'clock, one more hour until Tyler picked me up.

"Okay, go change now."

"Thanks Jake."

I ran to the couch in the make up room, where my outfit was layed out. I put it on after Jake turned around to not see me. Soon, I had a pastel pink, peter pan collared tank with a blàck circle skirt that was a bit longer than half my thighs.

Ding dong. After the second ring, I told Jake to hide and to not make any sound. Then I ran to the door and casually opened it.

"Hey Danielle, you look beautiful." He greeted me by a kiss on the cheek and handed me a rose.

"Thanks, you look great."

"So you wanna go?"

"Yeah, let me just grab my-."


"What was that?" Tyler asked. Uh oh. 

I might not be literally dead but I was dead, he found out. The date could be over in any second after he found out that Jake was in the room. I mean, what would Tyler do after he finds out that my "fiancée", still lives with me. I wouldn't be a very happy person, making me assume that neither would Tyler. My fingernails slowly went to my mouth, ready to chew on them.

Jake's voice came to my head, "remember, never chew on your nails, it makes people think you're weak and you're hiding something from them." Oh but I was. I quickly put my hand down and bit my lip.

Jake, why? I weakly smiled, trying to make him feel nothing is going on. Of course he didn't buy it, he went in my apartment. I was no good at acting. He stayed near the door, not moving an inch.

"If you don't tell me what's going on, I'll check through the whole apartment," he threatened.

"No, no. You don't have to do that," I nervously said.

"Then what's going on?" He calmly asked. I stayed quiet for a second, the sound of the bathroom tap had water slowly coming out. "You have to tell me, something dangerous could be happening."

"Um.. well there always this cat, its the neighbors and he somehow manages to come in. That cat, always manages to get in the room and mess things up." I lightly laughed, hoping he would buy it that way.

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