The Usual With a Side of Girlfriend

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When I heard Tyler say Trisha's name, I was speechless. He told me he loved me for who I am, then I find out its a complete lie. Tyler was still talking to Trisha, even worse, they were a thing- boyfriend and girlfriend. It was obvious, he told her he wasn't cheating when clearly, he was going to be with me. Well I wasn't going to be the second choice for him. I grabbed my purse, took out a small mirror along with my favorite lipstick Jake let me use. Tyler was still on the phone, how could be so stupid to answer in front of me? I shrugged and looked at the small mirror, every now and then I would look at him in a way he won't realize. He seemed annoyed, which made me happy. I smiled and applied a new coat of lipstick. He hung up and looked at me. I slowly put the mirror and lipstick in my purse.

"Sorry about that," Tyler apologized, he put his phone back in his pocket.

"Who was that?" I ask. "That was.. um.." Tyler started.

"Lemonade for you and wine for you, sir," the waitress interrupted.

"Thank you," we both said.

"Anyway, how are you liking this restaurant?"

"Its great, so fancy and perfect. I know you're still with Trisha, I heard it all. Why did you lie? You know what, I don't care. I'm gonna go." I put my feet up his leg, slowly going up to his thigh. When I reached his thigh, I hit his private part.

Tyler groaned in pain, "what was that for?"

"You know exactly why. Dont fire me and don't expect me to come back to work today."

I took a quick, small sip of lemonade and ran off. I ran to my apartment as fast as I could. About halfway there, I grew tired and stopped. I sat on the bench, looking around at all the stores. I noticed Jake in a store, talking to a worker. Wait a minute, that worker looked like Trisha.

I slowly put my small hand over my coral lipstick covered lips. My eyes carefully watched as Trisha and Jake laughed and talked. It seemed as if they were getting along perfectly. He laughed even more, playfully throwing her a scarf. If they got along so much, maybe they would become friends. Maybe they were already friends.

"Please God no," I prayed right after the thoughts- nightmares ran through my head.

I stopped looking up at the polluted, dull blue sky and focused on the boutique Trisha and Jake were at. She made a phone with her hand, putting it over her phone. Jake said something, making Trisha mad and sad. I wasn't so great at reading lips but I was sure Jake told her he was gay. He walked out and walked across the street, where I was. I quickly stood up and started walking away.

"Danielle, don't you dare walk away from me," he warned while laughing.

"Ok you caught me," I said, putting my hands up in the air.

"Were you looking at me through the window."

"Yeah," I whispered, embarrassed of the fact that he caught me watching.

"Come on Danielle, you're better than that."

"Guess so. Anyway, I haven't eaten yet and I'm not going back to work, so lets go eat."

"Why aren't you going back?"

"I'll tell you when we eat, its a long ass story. I'm staaarrving!"

"Ugh fine, something healthy none of your disgusting, unhealthy food."

We reached a small restaurant, close to our apartment building. The door ringed when we opened the glass door. Jake led the way to the register.

"Hello Tommy, I'll have the usual," Jake told the guy taking the order.

The guy turned to me, "I'll have the usual."

"What's your usual?"

My cheek burned up, "Umm.. whatever Jakey is having?" Jake laughed, I playfully punched him in the arm.

We sat down in the corner of the restaurant, a large window near us.

"So what's the usual?" I asked.

"You ordered something you don't know about?"

"Well yeah, I wanted you to think I was healthy."

"Well if you really want to know, its a strawberry smoothie."

"Yum! Smoothies are great, what else?"

"You want more?" My smile faded. "Nah I'm kidding."

Tommy came to our table, handing us a tray with two sandwiches and pink lemonade.

"Thank you Tommy," Jake said.

"Anything for my best customer," Tommy said.

I watched as he left. "Two questions: one, what's this sandwich of and two, are you two a thing?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.

"What's that about?"

"What?" I asked.

"That thing you did with your eyebrows."

"I was wiggling my eyebrows."

"Well stop, it's weird. Just eat your sandwich and tell me why you won't go to work." I explained to him what happened with Tyler and his lies.

"Don't worry, you're going to get revenge."

"How?" I ask, taking a bite off my sandwich.

"You're my girlfriend."

"So I'm guessing if I'm your girlfriend, you're my boyfriend?" I asked.

I looked deep into his hazel eyes, trying to find out if he, was joking. It was easy to read his eyes but I couldn't believe he was being serious.

"Congrats, you solved the puzzle," Jake said, putting the straw in his mouth to drink the bright, neon pink beverage.

"Jake, I love you but your plan is too dangerous. It could lead to trouble."

"Oh come on, its just a whιτε lie," he stated.

"A whιτε lie? No, a whιτε lie is telling your mom you didn't eat cookies before dinner. This is way more than a 'whιτε lie'."

"Fine, what do you have as a plan," Jake said.

"I don't know, I'm not even sure what I'll do when I go back to work Monday."

"Just act like you forgot what happened, act sexy & dress way more sexy, and enjoy how he won't stop staring."

I smiled, "now that's the plan I needed."

"Yay, Danielle is finally happen. Cheers!"

Jake put up his glass of pink lemonade, I put up too. Our cups touched, making a "clink" sound.

"So who was that girl at the boutique?" I ask, pretending I didn't know Trisha.

"I don't know, she works there- sorta."

"What do you mean by sorta?"

"She just flirts with cute guys, you should of seen her face when she found out I was gay," Jake laughed, he played with his silky, blonde hair.

"Jake, that's Trisha my old roomie," I confess.

"Really, why didn't you tell me earlier. I was about to text her."

"For what?"

"She said we could be friends or I could turn straight."

"Which one did you pick?"

"Girl please, you know that I'm not going back."

I frowned and took a large sip of my lemonade, a bit sour. "Well if you weren't gay., I would totally- you know what, forget it."

"If I wasn't gay I would totally want you to be my girlfriend," he winked. I blushed, Jake's an amazing person.

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