.:t w e n t y f o u r:.

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Fear. The inevitable factor of  this vast excuse of a life.

No one really can run away from it. At least no one I've heard of. And it's not just something you can forget and get over, it's just there.

Not only is it impossible to get rid of, its uncontrollable towards whoever you choose. In my case; Brendon.

My foot tapped in anxiety as I every once in a while would fix my posture in the cheaply cushioned waiting room chair.

The white walls were clean and yet, faded as well, and the carpet was colorful, mostly a purple shade from farther away.

Tyler wasn't exactly the most worried of us though, considering him and Brendon started off on the wrong page, and Tyler wasn't as used to Brendon's asshole attitude,

He sat still, holding Halsey as she cried on his shoulder.

They didn't know each other well I know, though Tyler saved her boyfriends life, and I was fidgeting so much to a point where I couldn't handle a bit of human contact.

Luckily, Tyler knew the standards as to how Brendon would be able to get his heart pumping again, and within a few minutes of calling, medical support showed up with help.

Now? We waited for an answer.

"Urie, Brendon?" An obvious intern judging from the confusion in her eyes, called among the group of people waiting.

I stood up as fast as I could and sprinted over to this confused, yet highly valuable intern who seemed so scared to screw up the diagnosis as she spoke.

Halsey, shuffled behind me, sniffling along with Tyler with his arm over her shoulder.

"Yes?" I questioned, intending to show the importance of the next few words she would say.

"Brendon." She eyed each of us individually, "He's alive."

Halsey let out a cry of which I couldn't define. Her eyes beheld the sadness, yet she smiled out of being relieved.

I understood her indecision, and I myself still had no emotion to show. Tyler? Well, he was in the same boat.

"Barely.. Though he will be kept here for a while," she adjusted her clipboard and Halsey coughed out a sob, "and we called his parents. We know that was the least of what you'd want but legally, he is still under the age of eighteen so we cannot let him go without contact. Plus the medical bills.."

Tyler sighed, knowing Halsey really, really did not want his parents being involved.

"And, well.."

The three of us began to walk away as she stopped, but I listened as she mumbled.

"Yes?" I asked.

The woman took a deep breath, "Well there's one last thing I need to explain."

Tyler and Halsey quickly turned toward the intern and I, just as confused as I had been.

"Explain, would you?" Tyler asked, forcefully.

Her fingers tapped along the edges of her clipboard, "Breondon. He'll.. most likely be kept here a lot longer than just a 'while'."

Halsey may have been beyond incapable to speak, but she didn't hesitate, "What do you mean."

Once again, the suspenseful pauses she took annoyed the hell out of me.

"For gods sake, just tell us!" I shouted, earning looks from every corner.

She sighed, "Brendon put himself into a coma."

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