.:f o u r t e e n:.

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•••I showed up at school the next morning feeling relieved. I've finally found someone I can be, myself around.

Yeah, maybe we forgot that we didn't eat dinner, and maybe we ended up getting home a lot later than planned, but I swear to god, that was the best night of my life.

I feel like I've been carrying this enormous box of guilt, lies, memories, helpless dreams, and straight up useless stories on my back for the past few months, and tyler threw out every little thing, drowning them with 100 feet of water atop of them.

ended up getting to school a lot earlier than usual, still, with a few people sitting outside the school waiting until the bell rang.

In the distance, I noticed a somewhat tall figure leaning against the tree over in the corner. His hands were working away at some journal and his sunglasses fixated on the paper. By the trimming of his glasses and by the fact that I knew no one else was wearing sunglasses when it was drizzling, he was who lurked by the tree.

I walked over, trying to avoid stepping on anything that would draw his attention to me, even though as hard as I could try, he wouldn't budge if my life depended on it. Although, that's a bit extreme.

As I grew closer, I heard the faint sound of his music indicating it was way too loud for any human being, but we all know, Tyler wasn't normal.

"Hey shawty, lemme get your number.." I said as I pulled out one of his headphones off of his ear.

"it's a little too late considering you already stalked me enough to know it." He whispered, closing his notebook and pausing the iPod.

I chuckled and played with the rubber band around my wrist and watched as Tyler licked his lips and looked down at mine.

I hesitated but asked, "So.. how's the writing coming along?" gradually getting closer to his face than I normally would. "And don't lie because I've got your test results as proof."

He laughed, turning his face away from mine but looking back into my eyes before getting closer than I was. "I don't know, I guess I'm at a writers block at the moment."

"Yeah, same here honestly." I giggled, moving in closer until we were less than an inch apart. "I can't quite put out the words."

"And I can't quite put out the words to explain how cute that giggle of yours is.." Tyler laughed as he placed his hand over my cheek and laid a kiss on me.

My heart rate sped up, and with less than a second of him against my lips, the bell rang and I pulled away. "I-.. I have to get to class."

He let out a sigh and laid another on me before letting me go.

I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulders as I ran towards the front of the building. I turned to look back at him, watching him smile to himself as he packed up his bag and ran his hands through his hair.

• • • •

I approached the salad bar blocking the line for lunch as I waited for people to pass by me.

Teens of all sizes pushed me out of the way as they waited in line for their daily dose of cancer they had no idea they were consuming.

I calmly waited as the last in line moved past and carried my tray over to the bench outside in the shade.

Not like there was any sunlight but you get what I mean.

The musk of fog grasped us as some stayed outside to eat towards the back.

I took my time shoving salad down my throat thinking about what the hell happened last night. Was it all a dream? Am I just in this absent state of mind where nothing I think is going on literally is happening..? Am I actually falling for someone....?

I heard an intense and dramatic gasp echo from behind me.


Confused, with the look plastered across my forehead, I looked behind me and looked for an explanation.

When suddenly, I noticed an all too familiar face run towards me.

Her half matte black/half sky blue hair held in curls bounced as she bolted towards me. The layers of cotton jumped as she ran in her combat boots and Pink leather jacket.


As soon as she was within inches away, she grabbed my shoulders and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"You've been here since Monday and you haven't said a thing to me?" She let go and smiled. "I didn't know if I believed it when people said you were back."

I gave her a faint smile. "In the flesh."

"How's Mikey?" I asked shakily.

"Oh he's great. He's just hanging out with some family for the summer. Well I mean, HIS summer. You know how our seasons are all screwed up."

I nodded in return and followed her as she sat down onto the bench.

"So.. I don't know if this rumor was true either but I heard you're real close to that cute new guy who just transfered." I played with my bracelets. "Tanner, TJ..?"

"Tyler." I said cutting her off.

"That's right!" She exclaimed. "So you do know him."

I ran my hands through my hair. "I don't know, we haven't really talked."

Looking over into her glowing eyes, I noticed her hinting to look behind me. "Speak of the devil."

Right as I turned to look Tyler swoops in and lays his arm around my shoulder. "Hey beautiful."

Melanie's eyes widened and a smirk grew across her face. "So this is the infamous Tyler."

He chuckles, "in the flesh."

I blush.

"You know.." Mel said as she stood up and patted the dirt off of her dress. "I'm having a party this Friday night, I think you guys should come. I guess it can be your welcome back party now that I think of it."

Oh shit.
Another crowded party at Melanie's house.

"She's coming." Tyler answered.

Mel's smile widened and she clapped her hands in excitement. "Yay! Great! See you guys then. Text me if there are any concerns."

I smiled and looked into Tyler's eyes. His eyes gave me a smile of their own and I giggled realizing his arm still rested on my shoulder.

Melanie began walking away but paused as she walked by me. "Oh and BTW." She whispered. "Now I know what you meant by 'you guys really don't talk'".

She began mimicking kissing noises as close to my ear as possible and laughed at her own joke. "You slut."

I watched her wink and skip away with her black tutu and combat boots.

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