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••• Coming back to school was a huge step. Just a few months ago I felt as if I couldn't go on, and now I was coming back to a hell hole filled with people who have screwed me over several times? I mean, I really didn't think I would have gotten this far.

Thinking to myself, I walked across the main road leading to the apartment complex my mother and I happened to live in.

The morning drowsiness of the sky somehow cleared away by the time I had heard the bell ring. And no, I don't mean it was bright sunshine beaming down on me giving me skin cancer, it was partly cloudy with a full sunset sky.

I actually hated sunsets. They always just seemed too I don't know, colorful.

Slamming the door behind me, I ran into my home with one quick second to throw off my shoes and take off my bag before jumping into bed.

With all the hectic crap going on today, my body just felt overwhelmed with all of my stress. Two minutes into laying in bed, my eyes shut and I fell fast asleep.

* * * *

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off in my pocket. My ringtone wasn't exactly the most unique. I've actually never changed it.

But because of its constant buzzing I awoke to the thought of something going wrong.

Opening my phone, I checked my missed messages.

-14 messages
Halsey <3-

I avoided her text messages and turned my phone off before getting out of bed.

I noticed that my covers had been over me, which I could have done by myself, but I doubt I did. Although, my lights had been turned of so I knew my mother was back from work.

I checked the time by looking over at the digital clock sitting on the edge of the small table beside my bed. Its time read 11:35 as it blinked a somewhat bright red light throughout my room. Standing up, I cracked my back right into place before slouching back down to my normal posture.

I heard distant clapping as I walked into the hallway, and peeked my head into our living room/kitchen. My mother was knocked out across the couch in from of the television.

I could hear her faint snoring from inside the kitchen, and the smell coming from her clothes filled our apartment with cocktail flavoring and strong alcoholic fumes.

She spent her time working at the diner from about 9 to 5 and the rest of the night at some trashy bar to serve drinks and take tips. She really works her ass off to make money for us, and I appreciate that.

Its been really hard for her in the past few months to be paying for my medical bills. That's probably why she's been working two jobs, but sometimes I get worried about what could happen to her at those sketchy places.

I ran to grab a blanket out of our hallway closet and a pillow off of her bed to set under her incase she felt uncomfortable. I felt like the tv was too disruptive so I set it on mute before going back to my room.

I guess I could say I had a lot on my plate with work at school, which meant I never really had time to clean my room. I could care less, I mean I knew where everything was anyway.

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