02 ▹ WISPS

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Oz, Liv and Andie walked to the front door of the Rooney house, opening the door before both Liv and Oz yelled out Maddie's name.

They walked into the kitchen, seeing Maddie sitting on one of the counter stools with her feet up in an unusual way. She quickly put them down though, feeling that she was acting a little bit too much like Oz and put her arm underneath her knee.

"Whatcha' doin'?" Liv asked her twin questioningly.

"Just, you know, just studying for the WISPS." Maddie replied, stuttering over her words a few times before she let out a snort, "Ha ha! The Wisps."

""WISPS" is short for the Wisconsin preparatory exams. Acing them is crucial to getting into a good college. It's just kinda hard to take them seriously. WISPS." Liv said before she burst out laughing.

"WIS—WIS" Joey tried to say as he continued to laugh, Parker and Oz beside him, Oz's expression completely stone cold. Parker sighed, "He can't even say it!" Parker turned to Joey, "WISPS."
"WISPS!" Oz yelled out as she began to laugh a laugh that most people found very obnoxious and loud.

"Oz, Maddie and I are gonna ace those WISPS. You know why?" Liv asked Andie as Oz opened the fridge, taking out a cake Liv had made for her after she had submitted a writing entry to the Bennington Young Writers Award that Liv was hoping she had won.

"Uh, you have twin telepathy and can cheat while Oz just copies off of your papers?" Andie questioned, her eyes glancing at Oz who was currently stuffing her face in cheesecake.

"Ah, that is ridiculous, Andie. Telepathy doesn't exist." Liv and Maddie said at the same time, turning to each other and moving their hands together at the same time.

"Freaky!" Andie and Oz sang out with cheesecake in Oz's mouth.

"Oz, Maddie and I are gonna ace those WISPS because we all have our lucky charms." Liv stated, putting her hands on her necklace while Oz put up her foot, lifting her jeans to show her charms before she swallowed the cake and spoke, "Right, Mads? Show Andie your charms. Now." Her expression turned serious at the end.

Maddie let out a small squeal before talking normally, "Oh I don't think she wants to see that."

Liv imitated her twin, "Oh, I'm pretty sure she probably does. Don't you, Andie?"

"I don't really care." Andie replied, causing Oz to drop her head on the counter

"Oh, you do too care, remember?" Liv told her as Oz nodded her head at Andie, telling her to do what she says, "Show her your charms."

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