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Oz, Liv and Andie were crouching down beside Maddie's bed, eyeing the bracelet resting on her wrist. She was snoring peacefully, a basketball in her other hand as the three slowly stood up beside her.

"Okay, are you sure you can make an exact copy of Maddie's bracelet?" Liv whispered to Andie who took out her phone.

"Yeah, once I get a picture, I can rebuild anything." Andie assured the blonde.

Liv nodded her head, "Okay."

"I crashed my brother's bike, and he's been riding one made out of melted forks for two years." Andie told the two with a grin as Oz and Liv had impressed looks on their faces, high-fiving Andie.

The three got closer to Maddie, Liv grabbed her arm and put it up in the air so Andie could take a picture until Maddie let out a loud snore and moved, making the three scramble to the ground in fear.

When the jock continued on with her sleep and snoring, the three girls put their heads up, Oz looking at Maddie more skeptically than the other two. 

Liv nodded her head at them and was slowly about to reach for Maddie's arm before Oz pushed her away and took Maddie's arm in the air, Andie quickly taking pictures from every angle. The three let out silent squeals of joy before both Oz and Andie took out markers from their pockets.

"So, what do you wanna draw on her, mustache or unibrow?" Andie asked them, ready to draw on the twin's face with Oz. 

"What? Why why would we draw on her?" Liv asked, not understanding the point of them drawing on her face.

"Your house is so different than mine." Andie stated as she and Oz put back their markers. Oz turned to Andie and sighed, "You have no idea how glad I am to have met you."

"Let's go, let's go." Liv quickly ushered the two girls away form her sister in case she woke up from her sleep.


Oz headed to her locker, about to touch it when a mop was placed in front of her. She glared at the mop before her eyes looked at the person who was holding it, seeing none other than Joey Rooney.

She let out a sigh and rolled her eyes, "I'm guessing you want me to ask what's going on?" Oz questioned and Joey nodded his head eagerly before Oz let out a deep sigh, causing people behind her to jump before she asked, "Why are you holding the mop, Joey?"

"Because Todd Stetson is being Parker's "big bro" only to use him to get girls and I am going to joust him." Joey answered like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Ugh, Todd Stetson!" Oz groaned at the mention of his name before she did a double-take, "Wait... he's doing what now with Parker?!" Anger laced her voice before she looked at the younger boy, "Your thing doesn't work, I go at him."

Joey nodded his head and quickly went to the statue of Paulie the Porcupine after hearing the boy he was about to challenge to a joust.

Oz watched as Todd Stetson walked past her, about to pass Paulie when Joey turned around and faced the mop towards Todd, yelling out, "You shall not pass!"

"You shall not do that again." Todd told Joey, laughing at him.

"Okay, listen, Todd, I was at Clancy's, I heard you talking to your friends. I know you're just using my little brother to get girls." Joey revealed to him, giving him his angriest look, which Oz saw looked like a puppy glaring at a husky.

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