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Maddie and Oz were walking in the hallways, talking about a prank that Oz had pulled at Joey, causing glitter to stick to his hair and face for most of the week.

"What's up, number seven and eight?" Todd Stetson suddenly told the girls when they passed him and his "jerkourage".

"Um, this is a number five, Todd. Five" Maddie told Todd, showing him her jersey and putting up five fingers.

"And I know you have trouble with double digits, Stetson, but this is 39." Oz explained, talking slowly as if she were talking to a toddler and pointing at her t-shirt with the printed letters.

"Is it?" He asked, laughing along with his group as they walked away.

"Okay, so those guys are seniors, and they can't tell the difference between a five and a seven or a 39 and an 8." Maddie told Willow, Lacey and Alex who while Oz opened her locker door.

"My grandma's a senior and she can't tell the difference between me and my cousin Abby." Lacey stated randomly and cheerfully

"He's not talking about your jersey number or shirt, Maddie. They're talking about your rating." Willow said, taking away Oz's attention from the comic book in her hands.

"What rating?" She asked the jock, furrowing her eyebrows together.

"There's a list going around that rates the hotness of Ridgewood girls on a scale of one to ten. We are outraged, my blood is boiling." Alex answered, barley blinking as she spoke emotionlessly.

"Rating us?! That is so beyond not okay. Who started that list?" Maddie asked the girls in anger.

"Todd Stetson and his "jerktourage"." Willow answered sourly.

"They don't get to rate us." Maddie said.

"But they did. I got a six." Alex responded emotionlessly.

"I got a five." Willow then said.

"I also got a five." Lacey told her before she grinned, "Hey, that's how many legs my favorite animal has, the common north Atlantic starfish."

Oz ignored the peppy girl and grunted out, "Are we gonna just let them do this? Are we going to let them choose things based on their likes? I mean boys don't get to just define us, do they?"

"No." Both Willow and Lacey responded in sync.

"Well, historically dictionaries have been written by men, so—" Alex was cut off by Willow, "Get on board, Alex."

"Sorry." The girl apologized, "Oz, Maddie, my fury is at your disposal."

"You know what? We're gonna fight back. We're gonna teach that Todd Stetson a lesson." Maddie stated as Oz smiled, already thinking of ways to get back at the boy.

"We're going to eat his heart and steal his power!" Lacey yelled out, throwing her book to the ground as the girls stepped back. She looked at them with a smile before she continued, "Well, that is what a starfish would do."


"Okay. New Liv Rooney song, coming atcha." Liv started as Oz stood by the kitchen doorway when the blonde celebrity started to sing a song about chairs without arms.

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