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Oz sat on a chair outside as Maddie, Willow and Lacey played basketball, her phone in her ear as she heard Dump Truck talk about how he had caused Diarrhea Tuesday. Oz was laughing her usual laugh while the girls practiced basketball.

"And Lacey kicks off the ball to Rooney Who drives to the hole!" Willow announced as Lacey passed to Maddie who was about to make a basket before she passed it to Lacey, causing Willow to continue, "Or passes it to Lacy, who passes it back to Rooney who drives to the hole!" 

The basketball was back with Maddie who contemplated whether or not to make a basket, moving forward and back before she passed it yet again to Lacey, "Yes."

"Or Maddie passes it for the hundredth time to Lacey, causing her friends to go to her and question her." Oz spoke in an announcer's voice before she spoke into the phone, "Gotta go, sweetheart. Talk to you later." She hung up her phone and stood up from her chair, walking towards Maddie with Willow and Lacey.

"Maddie, you haven't taken a shot all day, what's wrong?" Willow questioned the jock as Lacey added in. 

"Yeah, something's fishy." Lacey then gasped, "Whoa, I just remembered tomorrow is fish stick day at the cafeteria. Do you think they're made from halibut or cod?" Lacey turned to see both Oz and Willow giving her looks, "Oh, wait Maddie, were you about to say something? I really wanna hear it."

"Please, let it be cod." Lacey whispered as Oz placed her finger on the line of her lips, scrunching up her eyebrows.

"Okay, what's the deal, Mads?" Oz turned to Maddie with a worried look.

"I—okay, um..." Maddie trailed off as she went over to the basketball rack, "The truth is I'm really excited about getting back on the court, but I am just a little nervous that I might hurt my knee again, that's all."

"You'll be fine, Mads." Willow encouraged the girl.

"Yeah, I mean, you were always good at getting back up. Especially when my brother pushed you down when you broke his bike." Oz said then pursed her lips, "And then you broke his wrist."

Maddie let out a small laugh before she let out a sigh, "I just—I don't know. I'm worried that if I get in a game, I might hesitate, and, I mean, you know that if you hesitate for even a second, you're toast. And, I mean, I also know that I haven't played in a while. What if I'm just not as good as I used to be?"

"Maddie, you're our star! Once you get in a pressure situation, you're gonna react just fine. It's like one of those things you never forget how to do. Like, when Oz broke her leg but still rode her bike, or sneaking up on Joey when he's taking his afternoon nap." Willow said her last sentence with a smile and twirled her hair with her finger.

Suddenly, a smoke grenade was thrown from the kitchen, causing the four girls to back up quickly before it let out a small explosion with smoke coming out of it. Joey, who wore swimming goggles with a nose cover, appeared from the kitchen door and let out a laugh before did a very pathetic excuse of a spy movie flip towards the basketball rack, grabbing the rock when he reached it.

"Ha-ha, victory is mine!" Joey cheered for himself in triumph before he turned to the girls, "Hey, hens, next time, try less clucking and more defending the rock."

Oz smirked at Joey before she sat back down on the chair she was sitting on previously, watching as the girls gave Joey smug looks before Maddie started to speak to him.

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